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10/12/2023 04h30 Atualizado 10/12/2023
Assinantes podem presentear 5 acessos GRATUITOS por dia.
Na manh� de 31 de maio de 2023, o advogado Carlos Daniel Dias Andr�, de 41 anos, paroubonus 200 reais bet365caminhonete Hilux blindada num sinal de tr�nsito no bairro Cafub�, na Regi�o Oce�nica de Niter�i. Eram 7h30, e logo se formou uma fila de carros que aguardavam a libera��o do tr�nsito. Uma moto com dois ocupantes encostou ao lado da Hilux, e o garupa desembarcou sacando um rev�lver. O homem ainda aproveitou que a janela do carona estava parcialmente aberta, colocou a arma para dentro do ve�culo e apertou o gatilho tr�s vezes. Um dos tiros acertou a cabe�a de Daniel, que morreu na hora. Os assassinos fugiram pela contram�o. No momento em que foi executado, o advogado estava a caminho de uma reuni�o com um cliente importante: o empres�rio Marcello Magalh�es, que prosperou em plena pandemia depois de fundar a Z� do Churrasco, uma empresa de delivery de kits de carne que espalhou franquias pelo Rio e chegou a movimentar R$ 20 milh�es em menos de um ano.
Leia mais: Irm� de argentina morta em B�zios pede justi�a: �Pena m�xima�Viol�ncia: Florencia foi morta com 18 facadas e entrou em luta corporal com criminoso
O crime foi o ponto de partida para que a Pol�cia Civil e o Minist�rio P�blico do Rio (MPRJ) conclu�ssem que o empreendimento de sucesso era, na verdade, uma fachada para a lavagem de dinheiro da m�fia que controla o jogo ilegal no Rio. A investiga��o aponta que a Z� do Churrasco era usada pelo bicheiro Bernardo Bello para dissimular a origem dos lucros provenientes da explora��o do jogo do bicho, de m�quinas ca�a-n�queis e de cassinos clandestinos na Zona Sul e na Grande Tijuca. A empresa de kits de carne foi palco de uma disputa interna na quadrilha do contraventor, que envolveu a invas�o debonus 200 reais bet365sede por homens armados com fuzis e culminou no assassinato do advogado em Niter�i.
A Z� do Churrasco foi fundada por Magalh�es logo ap�s a chegada da pandemia de Covid-19 ao Brasil, em 2023. No in�cio, toda a opera��o era feita pelo empres�rio no quintal debonus 200 reais bet365casa. Com a popula��o de quarentena e o mercado de delivery aquecido, a empresa logo decolou: segundo comunicado enviado � imprensa em agosto de 2023, a firma alardeava ter em seus quadros �mais de 300 funcion�rios e mais de 23 milh�es de kits vendidos, al�m de frigor�fico e aplicativo pr�prios�. Na �poca, a empresa j� tinha 35 franquias no Rio e dez em S�o Paulo.
�S�cio oculto� em 2023
Nas redes sociais, Magalh�es se apresentava como o CEO bem-sucedido da marca: �Tr�s anos que se parecem 30... D� pra escrever um livro de todas as p�ginas vividas at� aqui�, escreveu numa postagem em comemora��o aos tr�s anos da empresa, em fevereiro de 2023. O empres�rio chegou a dar palestras sobre empreendedorismo, em que contava o �caso de sucesso� da Z� do Churrasco. Magalh�es at� tatuou, em seu bra�o esquerdo, o logotipo da marca, uma letra �Z� estilizada.
'Vale o escrito': Chef�o da c�pula do jogo do bicho que aparece na s�rie � internado no RioVeja ainda: Amiga da fam�lia de argentina morta, Narcisa Tamborindeguy se emociona em vel�rio
A investiga��o do homic�dio do advogado Carlos Daniel, por�m, descobriu que, a partir de julho de 2023, o neg�cio ganhou um �s�cio oculto�: Allan Diego Magalh�es Aguiar, o Allan do Posto, ex-cunhado de Bernardo Bello e apontado pelo MPRJ como um de seus �bra�os financeiros�. Prometendo al�ar a Z� do Churrasco a um �outro patamar�, Aguiar comprou 50% da empresa por R$ 200 mil e passou a ter controle sobre suas contas. O novo investidor teve o cuidado de n�o vincular seu nome � firma � no papel, o �nico s�cio era Marcello Magalh�es. Mas, segundo o MPRJ, com a entrada de Aguiar, �intensificou-se o branqueamento dos capitais auferidos de maneira escusa atrav�s da inser��o deles nas movimenta��es financeiras da Z� do Churrasco�.
Dados do Conselho de Controle de Atividades Financeiras (Coaf) anexados ao inqu�rito revelam que, de abril de 2023 a janeiro de 2023, a empresa movimentou R$ 22 milh�es. O MPRJ identificou que boa parte desse montante foi remetido ou recebido de empresas do pr�prio Allan Aguiar � o que, para a Promotoria, � um ind�cio de lavagem de dinheiro. Por exemplo, no per�odo, a Z� do Churrasco recebeu quase R$ 450 mil de um posto de gasolina que tamb�m tem Aguiar como s�cio oculto.
A sociedade de Magalh�es e Aguiar n�o durou nem seis meses � e terminou em lit�gio. Um dia ap�s o fundador da empresa cobrar do s�cio pagamentos atrasados a fornecedores, Aguiar teria invadido a sede �com cerca de dez homens armados com pistolas e armas longas�. Nesse dia, segundo Magalh�es contou � pol�cia, ele foi expulso da firma e teve seus poderes administrativos usurpados por Aguiar.
Em meio ao imbr�glio, o advogado Carlos Daniel passou a atuar como intermediador entre as partes, mediando tentativas de concilia��o. Sem sucesso, ele teria orientado Magalh�es a denunciar o caso � pol�cia � o que, de fato, o empres�rio fez. Em fevereiro de 2023, ap�s prestar depoimento na Delegacia de Repress�o �s A��es Criminosas Organizadas (Draco), o fundador da Z� do Churrasco voltou � sede acompanhado de agentes da especializada para retomar o controle da empresa.
Pris�es decretadas
Ao estimular a entrada da pol�cia no caso, Carlos Daniel virou alvo de Bernardo Bello. Pela den�ncia remetida pelo MPRJ � Justi�a, �a coloca��o de holofotes estatais no modo de atua��o il�cito de Allan Aguiar acabou incomodando n�o s� ele, como tamb�m o l�der m�ximo da malta da qual faz parte, Bernardo Bello�. O bicheiro teria desconfiado que o advogado estava atuando no caso como uma esp�cie de �agente duplo�: ao ajudar Magalh�es a retomar a empresa, ele tamb�m estaria prejudicando Bello para beneficiar seu maior rival, Rog�rio Andrade, para quem Carlos Daniel tamb�m prestava servi�os de advocacia. O homem identificado como autor dos disparos, Rodrigo Coutinho Palom� da Silva, � apontado como seguran�a de Bernardo Bello.
Em agosto passado, a Justi�a decretou as pris�es de Bello, Aguiar e Magalh�es pelo homic�dio do advogado. Segundo a investiga��o, ap�s retomar o controle da Z� do Churrasco, Magalh�es teria se alinhado novamente com Bello e auxiliado no homic�dio, marcando o encontro que possibilitaria seu monitoramento pelos atiradores. Aguiar e Magalh�es est�o presos h� pouco mais de quatro meses. J� Bello est� foragido.
Procurada, a defesa de Marcello Magalh�es preferiu n�o se manifestar. As defesas de Bello e Aguiar n�o foram encontradas.
Inscreva-se na Newsletter: Not�cias do Rio
O presidente eleito vai receber a faixa presidencial de Alberto Fern�ndez e vai discursar para apoiadores nas escadas do Congresso
� um produto da chamada sociobioeconomia: coletado por comunidades tradicionais
Zelensky n�o encontrou o presidente Lula, mas teve uma agenda com o primeiro-ministro de Cabo Verde, Ulisses Correia, na rota at� a Argentina
A equipa tamb�m realiza v�rios jogos de futebol na Fran�a e em pa�ses do norte da Europa.
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Na B�lgica, a equipa participou do primeiro campeonato da B�lgica, em 2004.
No ano seguinte, a B�lgica, que tamb�m tinha o nome de Holanda, a primeira associa��o de base nacional de futebol fundada,
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A disputa do "Campeonato Brasileiro de Jud�" (com uma fase preliminar, onde participam as equipes de todos os estados do Amazonas), foi introduzida pelo ent�o governador do estado Amazonas, Arthur Virg�lio da Silva, na bonus 200 reais bet365 gest�o de seu estado de 1954, quando foi criado o ent�o Territ�rio Federal do Amazonas.
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O principal torneio, que ocorreu na cidade de Manaus, foi o Torneio de Interclubes (1987), em maio do mesmo ano, disputado tamb�m pelo Amap�, Amazonas e Rond�nia.
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Football club
Sport Club Corinthians Paulista (Brazilian Portuguese: [is'p??t?i 'klubi ko'?it??~s paw'list?] ()), commonly referred to as Corinthians, is a Brazilian professional sports club based in S�o Paulo, in the district of Tatuap�.
[1] Although competing in multiple sports modalities, it is best known for its professional men's football team, which plays in the Campeonato Brasileiro S�rie A,[nb 1], the top tier of Brazilian football, as well as in the Campeonato Paulista S�rie A1,[nb 2] the first division of the traditional in-state competition.
Founded in 1910 by five railway workers inspired by the London-based Corinthian Football Club, Corinthians traditionally plays in a white and black home kit.
Their long-established crest was first introduced in 1939 by modernist painter Francisco Rebolo featuring the S�o Paulo state flag in a shield, two oars, and an anchor representing the club's early success in nautical sports.
Corinthians has played their home matches at the Neo Qu�mica Arena since 2014, which served as one of the venues in the 2014 FIFA World Cup, also having hosted the opening match.
The club have longstanding rivalries with Palmeiras (known as Derby Paulista or simply The Derby), S�o Paulo (the Cl�ssico Majestoso), and Santos (Cl�ssico Alvinegro).
One of the most widely supported teams in the world and the second most in Brazil, with over 30 million fans,[2] Corinthians is one of the most successful Brazilian clubs, having won seven national titles, three Copa do Brasil trophies, one Supercopa do Brasil title and a record 30 S�o Paulo State championships.
In international competitions, the club won the inaugural FIFA Club World Championship in 2000, and repeated the feat in 2012 after being crowned Copa Libertadores de Am�rica champions for the first time that same year, and also has won a Recopa Sudamericana title.
In 2017, the club was listed by Forbes as the most valuable football club in the Americas, valued at $576.9 million.[3]History [ edit ]
One Corinthians line-up of 1914.
In 1910, the top clubs were formed by people who were part of the upper classes.
[4] Among them were Club Athletico Paulistano, S�o Paulo Athletic Club,[5] & Associa��o Atl�tica das Palmeiras.
[6] Lower-class society, excluded from larger clubs, founded their own minnow clubs and only played "floodplain" football.[citation needed]
Bucking the trend, a group of five workers of the S�o Paulo Railway, them being, Joaquim Ambrose and Anthony Pereira (wall painters), Rafael Perrone (shoemaker), Anselmo Correia (driver) and Carlos Silva (general laborer), residents of the neighborhood of Bom Retiro.
It was 31 August 1910 when these workers were watching a match featuring a London-based club touring Brazil, Corinthian F.C.
[7] After the match, while the group returned home, the men talked about partnerships, business ideas, and general dreams of grandeur.
They each surfaced one idea: the foundation of a club, after several exchanges in a lively argument, a common ground led those athletes the same dream.
The arguments led to the conclusion that they would meet the next day to make their dream into reality.[citation needed]
The Corinthians squad that won its first title in 1914.
On 1 September 1910, the group agreed to meet after sundown in public sight.
That night at 8:30pm, on Rua Jos� Paulino ("Rua dos Imigrantes" (Immigrants Street), the five workers reunited alongside their guest and neighbors from Bom Retiro.
That night the club was founded, alongside its board of directors, who elected Miguel Battaglia as the first Club President.[7]
Corinthians played their first match on 10 September 1910, away against Uni�o da Lapa, a respected amateur club in S�o Paulo, and they were defeated by 1�0.
On 14 September, Luis Fabi scored Corinthians' first goal against Estrela Polar, another amateur club in the city, and Corinthians won their first game (2�0).
With good results and an increasing number of supporters, Corinthians joined the Liga Paulista, after winning two qualifying games, and played in the S�o Paulo State Championship for the first time, in 1913.
Just one year after joining the league, Corinthians was crowned champion for the first time (in 1914), and were again two years later.
There were many fly-by-night teams popping up in S�o Paulo at the time, and during the first practice held by Corinthians a banner was placed by the side of the field stating "This One Will Last".
Teleco was a superb Corinthians scorer, with 251 goals in 246 matches.
He became the top scorer of the Paulista Championships of 1935, 1936, 1937, 1939 and 1941.
His nickname was "O rei das viradas" (The king of comebacks).
The year of 1922, the Centennial of Brazilian Independence, marks the start of Corinthians hegemony in the S�o Paulo State Championship.
As football was almost exclusively played at Rio de Janeiro and S�o Paulo by that time, the two state champions were considered to be the two top clubs in Brazil.
After defeating the Rio de Janeiro State Championship champion of that year, Am�rica, Corinthians joined the company of the great teams in Brazil.
The same year also marked the first of three State Championships in a row, something that happened again in 1928�30 and 1937�39.
Corinthians seemed destined to win State Championships in threes; after six years without being a champions, they came won three more from 1937 the 1939.
The 1940s were a more difficult time; and the club would win a championship in 1941 and would only win their next in 1951.
At the beginning of the 1950s Corinthians made history in the S�o Paulo Championship.
In 1951, the team composed of Carbone, Cl�udio, Luisinho, Baltasar and M�rio scored 103 goals in thirty matches of the S�o Paulo Championship, registering an average of 3.43 per game.
Carbone was the top goal-scorer of the competition with 30 goals.
The club would also win the S�o Paulo Championships of 1952 and 1954.
In this same decade, Corinthians were champions three times of the Rio-S�o Paulo Championship (1950, 1953 and 1954), the tournament that was becoming most important in the country with the increased participation of the greatest clubs from the two most important footballing states in the country.
In 1953, in a championship in Venezuela, Corinthians won the Small Cup of the World, a championship that many consider as a precursor of the Worldwide Championship of Clubs.
On the occasion, Corinthians, substituting for Vasco da Gama, went to Caracas, the Venezuelan capital and recorded six consecutive victories against Roma (1�0 and 3�1), Barcelona (3�2 and 1�0) and Selection of Caracas (2�1 and 2�0).
The club would also win the Cup of the Centenary of S�o Paulo, in the same year (1954).
Rivellino, considered by many the greatest Corinthians' player of all time.
After the triumphs in the S�o Paulo Championship and the Rio-S�o Paulo of 1954, Corinthians had a lengthy title drought.
The breakthrough finally came when they won the S�o Paulo state championship in 1977, breaking a string of 23 years without a major title.
Under the leadership of S�crates, Wladimir and Casagrande, Corinthians were the first Brazilian club in which players decided about concentra��o, a common Brazilian practice where the football players were locked up in a hotel days before a game, and discussed politics.
(In the early 1980s, military dictatorship, after two decades, ended in Brazil).
In 1982, before the election of government of S�o Paulo State, the team wore a kit with the words: DIA 15 VOTE (Vote on 15th),[8] trying to motivate the biggest number of fans to vote.
In 1990, Corinthians won their first Campeonato Brasileiro S�rie A, beating their rivals, S�o Paulo in the final at the opponents' own stadium, Est�dio do Morumbi.
[9] In the following year, Corinthians beat Flamengo and won the Supercopa do Brasil.
[10] In the 1995, the club won the Copa do Brasil for the first time, beating Gr�mio in the final at the Est�dio Ol�mpico Monumental in Porto Alegre.
[11] In the same decade, the club won the state championship in 1995, 1997 and 1999,[12] and won the national championship again in 1998 and in 1999.
[13] In 2000, the club won the first FIFA Club World Cup, beating Vasco da Gama on penalties in the final.[14]
In 2001 and in 2003[12] and the Copa do Brasil in 2002, beating Brasiliense in the final.[15]
Between 1990 and 2005, the club also won the Ram�n de Carranza Trophy in 1996, the Rio-S�o Paulo Tournament in 2002, the S�o Paulo Youth Cup in 1995, 1999, 2004, and 2005, and the Dallas Cup in 1999 and 2000.
The club's situation in early 2004 was among the most difficult in their history.
Bad administration, lack of money and terrible campaigns both in the 2003 Brazilian Championship and in the 2004 S�o Paulo State Championship caused their millions of supporters to worry.
Fortunately, some young players and a new manager Tite helped the team to improve from their terrible start.
At the end of the championship, Corinthians finished in 5th place and gained entry to the Copa Sudamericana (a minor continental championship).
This situation was one of the factors which enabled Corinthians' president, Alberto Dualib, to convince the club's advisors to sign a controversial deal with an international fund of investors called Media Sports Investment.
The deal granted the company a large degree of control over the club for 10 years in exchange for large financial investments in return.
This has brought many quality players to the team, such as Carlos Tevez, Roger, Javier Mascherano and Carlos Alberto.
Despite the MSI investments, Corinthians experienced a slow start in the 2005 state championship, but managed to improve as it progressed, eventually managing to finish second.
Their start to the Brazilian championship during 2005 was difficult, too, but after Daniel Passarella's dismissal (due to an unexpected 5�1 loss to Corinthians' rivals, S�o Paulo), the club finished the championship round well, and were eventually crowned Brazilian Champions for the fourth time, after a controversial annulment of eleven games due to a betting scandal.
The relationship between Corinthians' managers and the MSI president, Kia Joorabchian was not good, and after being eliminated in the Copa Libertadores, the club experienced a crisis which was responsible for the bad performances for the rest of 2006.
Eventually, the partnership came to an end.[16]
On 2 December 2007, following a 1�1 draw away to Gr�mio, Corinthians were relegated to the second division.
Corinthians, who won promotion to the top division of Brazilian football for 2009 by winning the Serie B tournament, signed with three-time FIFA Player of the Year Ronaldo.
[17][18] In 2009, led by Ronaldo, Corinthians won their 26th Campeonato Paulista and their third Copa do Brasil.
Confirming the club's good moment, Corinthians finished the Campeonato Brasileiro 2010 in 3rd place, granting their place on the subsequent Copa Libertadores.
After being eliminated from the South American tournament by the relatively less traditional Deportes Tolima, though, Corinthians saw Ronaldo retire from football.
To replace him, the club signed with other 2006 national squad veteran Adriano.
[19] In 2011, Corinthians won their fifth national title.
On 4 July, after reaching the final of the 2012 Copa Libertadores undefeated, Corinthians won its first title after a two-match final against 6-time champions Boca Juniors by drawing 1�1 in Argentina and winning 2-0 at the Est�dio do Pacaembu in S�o Paulo, becoming the ninth Brazilian side to win the Copa Libertadores.
[20][21] The club won the 2012 FIFA Club World Cup after defeating English club Chelsea 1�0 on 16 December 2012.[22][23][24]
Visual identity [ edit ]Colours [ edit ]
Evolutions of the uniform
Even though the club has been recognized by the colors black and white for most of their history, the first Corinthians' kit originally consisted of cream shirts and black shorts.
Back then, the choice of colors proved wrong, as the cream color would gradually fade white when the shirts were washed, representing a cost a recently created club could not afford.
Thus, early after the foundation, the official shirt colors were changed to white.
In 1954 the traditional black with thin white stripes uniform was introduced, and became the alternative uniform since then.
Badge [ edit ]
The Corinthians' shirt had no badge or crest until 1913, when the club joined the Liga Paulista, that mandated that every club in the competition should have one in their uniforms.
A simple composition of the letters C (Corinthians) and P (Paulista) was hastily created and embroidered on the players uniforms for the upcoming matches, thus being considered the club's first de facto badge.[25]
Unlike the kit, the badge went through several changes over the years.
In 1914, lithographer Hermogenes Barbuy, brother of then-player Amilcar Barbuy designed the club's first official badge, which premiered at a friendly against Torino (Italy), in S�o Paulo.
[26] In 1919, the round shield with the S�o Paulo state flag was introduced, and modified in 1939 by modernist painter Francisco Rebolo, a former reserve player of the club in the 1920s, to include a string, an anchor and two oars, representing the early success the club achieved in nautical sports.
Thereafter, the badge passed through small changes over time, specifically in the flag and in the frame.[25]
In 1990, a yellow star was added above the badge to celebrate Corinthians' first national title.
The same would occur when achieving the national titles in 1998, 1999 and 2005, and a larger star was introduced in 2000 after winning the inaugural FIFA Club World Cup.
The stars remained as part of the badge until 2011, when the board decided the badge would not present any stars in the future.
Badge evolution
The first badge adopted by Corinthians (1913)
The second badge, re-discovered by historians in 2011 (1914)
The first official badge, designed by lithographer Hermogenes Barbuy (1914�1916)
A first revision of the Barbuy's badge (1916)
A second revision of the Barbuy's badge (1916�1919)
The round shield including the S�o Paulo state flag (1919�1939)
Inclusion of the anchor and oars by modernist painter Francisco Rebolo (1939�1979)
Current version (1979�present)
Nike is the manufacturer of the club's kit since 2003.
Previous manufacturers have been: Topper (1980�1989, 1999�2002), Finta (1990�1994) and Penalty (1995�1998).
In 2017, Corinthians and Nike have reached a 12-year U$115 million deal to renew their partnership until 2029[27]
Previous main sponsors have been: Bombril (1982), Cofap (1983), Citizen (1984), Bic (1984), Corona (1984), Kalunga (1985�1994), Suvinil (1995�1996), Banco Excel (1996�1998), Embratel (1998), Batavo (1999�2000; 2009), Pepsi (2000�2004), Samsung (2005�2007), Medial Sa�de (2008), Hypermarcas (2009�2012), Iveco (2012), Caixa (2012�2017), Banco BMG (2019�2021) and Neo Qu�mica (2021�).
Facilities [ edit ]Stadiums [ edit ]
Pacaembu, Corinthians popular home from 1940�2014
Early grounds [ edit ]
The first playing ground Corinthians used was located in the neighborhood of Bom Retiro (where the club was founded in 1910), in a vacant lot owned by a firewood seller, from which it got its nickname: Campo do Lenheiro ("Lumberjack's field").
It was the time of the floodplain and the players themselves had to clean and flatten the lawn.
In January 1918, Corinthians inaugurated its first official football field, Ponte Grande, on the banks of Tiete River.
The land was leased from the municipality under the influence of the intellectual Antonio de Alcantara Machado, one of the first to approach the club workers.
It was built by the players and fans in a community helping system.
The Corinthians played their games there until 1927, upon the completion of their first stadium.
It was then donated to S�o Bento.
Parque S�o Jorge [ edit ]
In 1926, the club purchased Parque S�o Jorge ("Saint George's Park"), located within the Tatuap� district of the city, belonging to then rivals Esporte Clube S�rio, After purchasing, President Ernesto Cassano decided to reform the stage, with financial support from the members.
The renovated Parque S�o Jorge, still without floodlights, was inaugurated on 22 July, in a friendly game against Am�rica-RJ that ended in a 2-2 draw.
The land purchased included a Syrian farm - hence the nickname Fazendinha ("Little Farm"), still used today.
It was from here that the Corinthians began to develop and could build up its headquarters.
Due to their growing number of fans, Est�dio Alfredo Sch�rig (the official name of "Fazendinha") and the commissioning of city-owned Pacaembu in the 1940s, from the 1950s the stadium was mostly used for Academy level competitions and friendly matches.
The last first team match played there was a friendly against Brasiliense on 3 August 2002.
Since 1997, it is also the home ground of the professional women's football team.
Pacaembu [ edit ]
The club has established a relationship with Paulo Machado de Carvalho Stadium, which belongs to the municipality of S�o Paulo and is best known as Pacaembu Stadium, inaugurated in 1940 as the largest stadium in Latin America with a capacity of more than 70,000 people, in a double-fixture that pitted rivals Palestra Italia against Coritiba in the preliminary match and then current three-time state champion Corinthians against Atl�tico Mineiro, in a match Corinthians won by 4�2.
Currently, the Pacaembu has capacity for up to 40,000 spectators.
Arena Corinthians [ edit ]
In 2009 there were some conjectures that the government of S�o Paulo could make a deal for a 30-year allotment of Pacaembu, but it never materialized, even though it was the club's directors preference, with projects designed to that matter.
After Est�dio do Morumbi, then named as the city's host in the World Cup, failed to comply to FIFA's standards, a new project to create a home for Corinthians emerged as a possibility.
In August 2010 the president of CBF, Ricardo Teixeira, along with Governor of S�o Paulo state, Alberto Goldman, and the mayor of S�o Paulo, Gilberto Kassab announced that the opening ceremony of the World Cup of Brazil would be held in the new Corinthians Stadium to be built in the district of Itaquera, in the eastern part of S�o Paulo city.
On 1 September 2020 (Corinthians' 110th anniversary) a special event live from the stadium was held to announce the Arena's new name.
It was officially renamed Neo Qu�mica Arena, part of a 20-year partnership with Hypera Pharma, Brazil's largest pharmaceutical company.
Neo Qu�mica is Hypera's generic drugs division, which already served as Corinthians' main sponsor during the 2010 and 2011 seasons.
The full contract is expected to be around R$300�320 million.[28]
Training facilities [ edit ]
CT Joaquim Grava [ edit ]
Corinthians inaugurated their state-of-the-art training facilities in September, 2010 during the celebrations of the club's 100th anniversary.
The training facilities were named after long-time associate and consulting medical doctor, Joaquim Grava, that oversaw the medical department construction.
The training facilities feature a 32 bedroom hotel for the players, a bio-mechanics complex (Lab Corinthians-R9.
named after Brazilian legend Ronaldo), a center for player rehabilitation and therapy (CePROO, named after fan and journalist Osmar de Oliveira), basketball and volleyball courts (approved by FIBA and FIVB for official matches), as well as other amenities.
An extension to be used by the Academy teams is currently under construction.
Club culture [ edit ]
The Flag of The Rep�blica Popular do Corinthians.
Supporters [ edit ]
The Corinthians fanbase is fondly called Fiel ("The Faithful"), starring memorable moments like the "Corinthian Invasion" (pt / Invas�o Corinthiana) in 1976, when more than 70,000 Corinthians Fans traveled from S�o Paulo to Rio de Janeiro to watch the match against Fluminense at Maracana Stadium, in that year's national championship semifinals, as well as having one of the biggest average attendances in the country.
[citation needed] Fans being famous for being passionate about the team and loyal supporters motivated the club to make a tribute documentary to their fans, named "Faithful" (pt / Fiel), highlighting the fans' support in one of the most difficult moments in the club's history: the relegation to national second division in 2007.
Similar initiatives would be made in the next years, reflecting other moments in the club's history in that the fanbase was essential.[citation needed]
Integral to the club culture are the fan organizations ("torcidas organizadas") such as Gavi�es da Fiel ("The Hawks of the Faithful"), founded in 1969 by fans attempting to recover political and administrative control of the club and now the largest of such organizations in Brazil with almost 100,000 associates.
[29] Camisa 12 ("The 12th Shirt", founded in 1971), Estopim da Fiel ("Faithful's Fuse", 1979), Coring�o Chopp ("Corinthians Draught Beer", 1989), Pavilh�o Nove ("Pavillion Nine", 1990), and Fiel Macabra ("Macabre Faithful", 1993) are other important fan organizations that have been actively supporting social and cultural activities representing the club.
Many of the groups above have established branches for fans living outside of S�o Paulo city, out-state and even internationally.
Most are also involved in the Brazilian Carnival festivities, most famously Gavi�es da Fiel, one of the most important Carnival of S�o Paulo Parade samba schools, having won the contest for 4 times, the most among football team organizations.
Organized Fans of Corinthians, at an away match in Florian�polis, SCRivalries [ edit ]
Derby Paulista [ edit ]Derby Paulista, c.1920s
Derby Paulista is a crosstown fixture between Corinthians and Palmeiras, consistently cited as one of the greatest rivalries worldwide by sources including FIFA[30] and CNN.
[31] Palmeiras was founded by a group of Italians who were formerly members of Corinthians.
[32] Since 1914, when that treasonous act was taken upon these former supporters, a deep-seated hatred was born.
[32] The Derby atmosphere is fierce on and off the pitch, as violence is a norm between the clubs.[33][34]
Cl�ssico Majestoso [ edit ]
Cl�ssico Majestoso is a crosstown fixture between Corinthians and S�o Paulo.
The Derby dates back to 1935, at the final re-founding S�o Paulo after being thrice defunct.
Corinthians possesses the largest number of supporters in the state (25 Million), whereas S�o Paulo's lies in second place (16 Million).
The Cl�ssico's most memorable match for Corinthians is the 1990 Campenato Brasileiro finals, which led to Corinthians first national title.
Cl�ssico Alvinegro [ edit ]
Cl�ssico Alvinegro is a regional fixture between Corinthians and Santos.
'Alvinegro' is given after the colors worn by both teams, black and white (Alvi, from Latin albus, white, and negro, black).
The Classico reached one of its highest stages for Corinthians supporters when Corinthians met Santos in the Semi-Finals of Libertadores 2012.
Corinthians won 2-1 on aggregate.
Other rivalries [ edit ]
Derby dos Invictos (Derby of the Undefeated), Corinthians and Portuguesa is a crosstown rivalry.
Corinthians vs Ponte Preta is an in-state rivalry that peaked in the 1977 Campeonato Paulista final, which led to Ponte Preta's greatest Paulista Finish (runner-up).
Classico das Multid�es (Classic of The Masses) is an inter-state rivalry pegging the two most supported teams in Brazil: Corinthians and Flamengo.
Corinthians and Vasco led to great match ups and some rivalry recently, mostly after Vasco winning the Brasileir�o in 1997 and 2000, and Corinthians in 1998 and 1999.
Their greatest match coincided with the first FIFA Club World Cup in 2000, with a Corinthians victory in the penalty shootout.
Corinthians also won the 2011 Brasileir�o in the last round of the season, two points over the runners-up Vasco.
Corinthians saved Vasco from their usual runner-up fate by defeating the cariocas in 2012 Libertadores Quarter-finals.
Symbology [ edit ]Musketeer [ edit ]
Corinthians' official mascot is the Musketeer, a symbol of bravery, audacity and fighting spirit.
The adoption of that character recalls the first years of the club.
In 1913 most of the leading football clubs in S�o Paulo State founded the APEA (Paulista Athletic Sports Association).
The depleted Paulista League was left with only Americano, Germania and Internacional, known as the "three musketeers" of S�o Paulo football.
Corinthians joined the three as D'Artagnan, being the fourth and most adored musketeer, just like in Alexandre Dumas, p�re's novel The Three Musketeers.
To be accepted in that "musketeers universe", Corinthians had to show their bravery.
As there was many other teams who coveted the spot in the Liga Paulista, Corinthians participated in a selective tournament against Minas Gerais and S�o Paulo, two other great teams of Paulista amateur football at that time.
The Corinthian team beat Minas 1�0 and S�o Paulo 4�0, earning acceptance into the group and acquiring the right to participate in the Special Division of the Paulista League in the following year.
Saint George [ edit ]
An important symbol for Corinthians is Saint George/(Ogum).
Saint George is one of the most revered Catholic Saints in Brazil, a nation with a blend of cultures.
The collusion between African & European cultures is seen in Brazil's definition of S�o Jorge as a mash between Catholicism & Western African Mythology.
The comparison may be drawn the entities similar characteristics; St George, the soldier who protects those who pray to him; Ogum God of War who serves the communities who believe in him.
it is this warrior demeanor that made Corinthians fans indebted to S�o Jorge.
Corinthians began as a small team for the lower classes of S�o Paulo, even though they obtained initial success.
Lack of respect for the working class forced Corinthians to leave their S�o Paulo State Football League in protest.
after multiple championships Tim�o made its largest leap in prestige in the founding of a Corinthians' Headquarters, 1926.
The creation of said headquarters became the first fusion of Tim�o & S�o Jorge.
The land purchased for the headquarters was formerly Parque S�o Jorge (St.
George Park) at 777 Rua S�o Jorge, Tatuap�, S�o Paulo, SP.[35]
Corinthians support for S�o Jorge became fanatical during the decade of the 60's, Between 1954 and 1977, Corinthians failed to add to its gallery of conquests and the Corinthian Nation lived the hardest moments of its history.
While the stream struggled in the 60's, fan recanted that they were blessed by a "Santo Guerreiro" (Warrior Saint).
In the early 60's the lack of success lingered in the minds of fans & gave birth to a utilization of the blessings of S�o Jorge.
this caused Corinthians to erect a chapel in honor of the saint, in order to strengthen the clubs resolve via mysticism.
1969, after the death of two players Lidu & Eduardo, the funeral was held in Capela S�o Jorge, & strengthened the clubs identity at a time when championships were non-existent.
1974 Paulista Final, after a heart-wrenching loss to arch-rival Palmeiras, composer Paulinho Nogueira recorded "Oh Corinthians", a song that had popular commercial success at the time.
In the verses of the composition dedicated to the suffering Corinthians could not miss the quote to the patron Saint George:"...
Oh, s�o 20 anos de espera.
Mas meu S�o Jorge me d� for�as, para poder um dia enfim, descontar meu sofrimento em quem riu de mim".("...
Oh, It's been 20 years of waiting, but my St.
George gives me strength to be able to one day finally cashing in my suffering upon those who laughed at me.)"
Corinthians' 2011 third kit was burgundy colored & featured S�o Jorge slaughtering a dragon in a dark watermark across the right side of the chest.
The utilization of S�o Jorge's image on the shirt is the practice of S�o Jorge's Prayer.
Corinthians Headquarters, located at 777 Rua S�o Jorge (Parque S�o Jorge), Tatuap�, Sao Paulo, SP
Board of directors [ edit ]
Current administration [ edit ]
Board of Directors Name Position Du�lio Monteiro Alves President Elie Werdo Vice-President Luis Wagner de Alc�ntara Vice-President Wesley Melo Financial Director Jos� Colagrossi Neto Marketing Director Her�i Vicente Legal Director
Former presidents [ edit ]
Players and staff [ edit ]
For a list of all former and current Corinthians players with a Wikipedia article, see Category:Sport Club Corinthians Paulista players
First-team squad [ edit ]
As of 12 August 2023
Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules.
Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Academy [ edit ]
Note: Academy players registered for 2023 Campeonato Paulista or 2023 Copa Libertadores matches
Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules.
Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out on loan [ edit ]
Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules.
Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Technical staff [ edit ]
Management Staff Name Position Alessandro Nunes Football Manager Mauro da Silva Technical Supervisor Andr� Figueiredo Academy ManagerHonours [ edit ]
^ Corinthians won the first leg of the final, but the tournament was not officially concluded.
Recent seasons [ edit ]See also [ edit ]Notes [ edit ]
^ Also known by its nickname "Brasileir�o".
^ Also known by its nickname "Paulist�o".
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Al�m disso, a equipe de voleibol americana que vai defender a Liga Nacional desde 1999 e j� teve a experi�ncia nos voleibol de elite ao lado do seu conterr�neo, Lance Armstrong, tamb�m esteve ao lado de voleibol, e esteve no elenco da sele��o brasileira em 1999, atuando nas categorias de base do extinto V�lei Futuro Brasil.
Em 1999 disputou os Jogos Abertos do Interior em Santo Andr� (SP) e em Sorocaba (SP e PR) com o time de voleibol paulista.
No ano seguinte disputou o Campeonato Paulista Juvenil no Gin�sio Poliesportivo Tiet� (SP) com o time
de voleibol paulista e conquistou o trof�u.
Em 2000 disputou a Superliga Brasileira A 2000/01 sendo o quarto melhor pontuador.