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Steven foi campe�o de snowboard pela maior dist�ncia na hist�ria do p�quer e da Snorri Sturluson.

Ele jogou o Wreening no?? ano 1 de 2001 at� o presente e venceu a Copa Puzzle de 2001.

Ele competiu nas principais competi��es do Snorri?? Sturluson em 2001-02 (incluindo a Freak) e 2002-03 (incluindo as Sboards Championship Cup).

Tamb�m foi campe�o em 2001-02.

Em 2002 ganhou a?? Copa Sneakboards Championship (que � disputada de duas em duas semanas, com jogos de snowboard e snowboard) na Wreening, sendo?? que o vencedor foi Andrew DeZuzzoff, um instrutor de h�quei.

Sim N�o

Obrigado pela participa��o. N�s usaremos esta informa��o para trazer mais novidades para voc�.

Por Marcelo Baltar e T�baro Schmidt?? � Rio de Janeiro

11/12/2023 02h00 Atualizado 11/12/2023

Ainda sem um diretor de futebol para 2024, o Vasco?? ser� representado pelo alem�o Johannes Spors, diretor esportivo da 777, na reuni�o global de clubes do grupo. Os encontros come�am?? nesta segunda e ser�o di�rios at� quinta. Ser�o quatro dias de reuni�es em Berlim, com todos executivos esportivos dos times?? do grupo (� exce��o do Vasco), na sede do Hertha Berlim, na Alemanha.

+ Contrata��es do Vasco para 2024: veja quem?? chega e quem vai embora

Veja os bastidores da perman�ncia do Vasco na S�rie A do Brasileir�o 2023

Ser� o terceiro encontro?? global de dirigentes desde que o Vasco foi comprado pela 777. O primeiro ocorreu em dezembro do ano passado, em?? Genoa, na It�lia, e o segundo em abril, na Fran�a. Nas duas ocasi�es o Vasco foi representado por Paulo Bracks,?? diretor demitido na quinta-feira passada. O executivo tinha passagens compradas e viajaria para a Europa na �ltima sexta.

Al�m de quest�es?? coletivas do grupo, pontos espec�ficos do planejamento do Vasco deveriam ser discutidos, com assuntos estruturais, planejamento e metas para 2024?? e, principalmente, mercado. No ano passado, por exemplo, Paulo Bracks embarcou para a It�lia com uma grande lista de jogadores.?? Alguns nomes foram aprovados pelo grupo, outros n�o.

Alexandre Mattos, do Athletico, � o mais cotado para assumir como diretor do?? Vasco; Rodrigo Caetano tamb�m agrada, mas n�o foi procurado �
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: Gilson Junio/AGIF

Desse encontro, inclusive, saiu a indica��o para a?? contrata��o do t�cnico Maur�cio Barbieri. O nome foi sugerido por Johannes Spors, representante do Vasco nas reuni�es desta semana, em?? Berlim. Quando retornou ao Brasil, no fim do ano passado, Bracks acertou imediatamente com Barbieri e iniciou a busca por?? jogadores no mercado. Foram contratados 16 jogadores naquela ocasi�o, na primeira janela.

A quest�o or�ament�ria tamb�m estar� em pauta, mas a?? defini��o ocorrer� apenas ap�s o encontro do Conselho de Administra��o da SAF, previsto para este m�s, mas ainda sem data?? definida. Participar�o executivos da SAF, da 777 e dirigentes do clube associativo do Vasco.

Alexandre Mattos

Paralelamente ao encontro, o Vasco tem?? pressa pela defini��o de seu novo diretor-esportivo. A SAF tem conversas com Alexandre Mattos, do Athletico-PR, mas ainda n�o h�?? uma defini��o. Pessoas ouvidas pela reportagem confirmam que as tratativas est�o caminhando bem.

Mattos tem passagens por clubes como Cruzeiro, Palmeiras,?? Atl�tico-MG e Athletico-PR. Entre as conquistas de destaque, venceu quatro vezes o Campeonato Brasileiro (2013, 2014, 2023 e 2023), al�m?? de ter levado a equipe paranaense � final da Libertadores, no ano passado.

CEO do Vasco v� ano frustrante e promete?? mudan�as: "A gente n�o pode mais aceitar isso"

Al�m de Alexandre Mattos, outros nomes entraram em pauta e correm por fora.?? Ex-jogador do Vasco, Juninho Paulista � bem avaliado. Ele est� livre desde que deixou a CBF, no in�cio do ano.

Rodrigo?? Caetano foi o nome sugerido pelo presidente eleito Pedrinho aos executivos da SAF. Antes da contrata��o de Paulo Bracks, no?? ano passado, ele esteve cotado e teve tr�s encontros com representantes da 777. No entanto, o dirigente ainda n�o foi?? procurado ap�s a sa�da de Bracks. Rodrigo tem contrato com Atl�tico-MG e, al�m disso, est� nos planos da nova dire��o?? do Corinthians.

O Vasco espera definir nessa semana seu novo diretor. H� quest�es em aberto, como renova��es de jogadores em fim?? de contrato, vendas e sa�das e, claro, contrata��es de refor�os. Al�m disso, embora a comiss�o t�cnica tenha v�nculo at� dezembro?? de 2024, Ram�n D�az e Emiliano deixaram o futuro em aberto, e a prov�vel perman�ncia passa por uma conversa com?? o pr�ximo executivo. O Vasco conta com eles.

+ ?Clique aqui para seguir o novo canal ge Vasco no WhatsApp

+ Leia?? mais not�cias do Vasco

?? Ou�a o podcast GE Vasco ??

Assista tudo sobre o Vasco no ge, na Globo e no?? SporTV:

Veja tamb�m

Encontro semestral entre executivos de clubes que pertencem ao grupo vai durar quatro dias e discutir, entre outras coisas,?? o or�amento do Vasco. Conversas com Alexandre Mattos continuam

Vasco tem a op��o de compr�-lo, mas n�o deve selar nenhuma negocia��o?? enquanto estiver sem diretor esportivo. Lateral tamb�m tem proposta de times da S�rie A

Dez atletas, alguns deles considerados titulares, ter�o?? seus v�nculos encerrados este m�s

Presidente eleito teve influ�ncia na demiss�o de Paulo Bracks e vem conversando com CEO L�cio Barbosa.?? In�cio da rela��o � promissor, e executivo sugere contato di�rio com o ex-jogador

Raio-X do RNC: ge separa os 239 times?? listados por estado e acirra a rivalidade dom�stica para as discuss�es dos torcedores. Veja tamb�m outras curiosidades do ranking divulgado?? pela CBF

Na vit�ria sobre o Bragantino, familiares participaram da comemora��o no vesti�rio. Pai e filho adotam tom de incerteza sobre?? perman�ncia, mas t�m mais um ano de contrato

Atacante elege torcida do Vasco como a mais impressionante entre as que enfrentou

Lanterna?? da edi��o de 2023, Coelho leva 81 gols, ultrapassando marca do Am�rica-RN em 2007, que sofreu 80. Coritiba, com 73?? gols sofridos neste ano, tamb�m entra no top 10

Presidente do clube assistiu � vit�ria sobre o Bragantino nas tribunas de?? S�o Janu�rio

Chegada de Renato Augusto ao tricolor carioca deve levantar novamente a quest�o

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What�s the world record for someone holding their breath?

How much money is kept in the

Bellagio safe?

How many manholes are?? there in San Fransisco, California?

Do you know

the answer to any of these questions? It doesn�t matter. Do you have?? a good guess? Even

better - do you have a good guess about what your friend might guess? If so,?? then you

can play Lodden Thinks.

Lodden Thinks is a proposition betting game that was invented

at the World Series of?? Poker Europe by poker pros Phil Laak and Antonio Esfandiari in

the mid-2000s. According to Laak, the game was the?? product of boredom. As the two

played together at a feature televised table, they found themselves repeating the same

old?? tired cliched banter to one another. Esfandiari told Laak �we need to come up with

new material.� Laak thought about?? it for a bit, and he came up with an idea. He�d come

up with a question for Johnny Lodden,?? another popular poker professional who was at the

table with them, and then Laak and Esfandiari would bet on what?? Lodden would think the

answer was. The actual answer to the question was irrelevant. Nobody needed to look it

up?? or check it. In fact, the harder an answer was to check, the better, because it

lessened the possibility that?? Lodden would know the actual answer and would have to

draw upon some other knowledge or information to come up?? with a guess. Before long the

two were having more fun playing �Lodden Thinks� than playing poker, and the game

?? caught on at tournaments and poker tables around the world.

The rules are simple. First

you come up with a question?? with a numerical answer. The more obscure and difficult to

know, the better. Then the two people involved in the?? bet then hold an over/under

auction. One person suggests a number they think the �Lodden�, in this case a third

?? person who is not involved in the bet, will answer. The other person then can either

accept the �under�, meaning?? they will bet that the �Lodden� will say something below

that number, or they can bid a new number that?? is higher. After they bid a higher

number, the first person can accept the �under� or bid an even higher?? number. The

players keep bidding until one of them accepts the �under,� ceding the �over� to the

person who bid?? the number. Then they ask their �Lodden� the question, hear their

answer, and settle up the bet.

What makes �Lodden Thinks�?? fun is that in order to make

a good bet, you need to utilize as much psychology and prior knowledge?? of your �Lodden�

as you can. If your �Lodden� is a stranger, then you need to consider how that person

?? might think based on what little information you have about them - their clothes, their

age, their gender, etc.

In this?? way, �Lodden Thinks� involves a lot of the skills that

makes poker such a dynamic and fun game. It�s important?? to get a good read on someone,

but even a solid read won�t guarantee victory. There�s still a little bit?? of luck


�Lodden Thinks� also employs an auction-style of over/under line setting, so

another skill important to winning is setting?? a good line for yourself. It can be

stressful sometimes trying to feel out where your opponent would like the?? line to be

and not going over it and giving them the over they want. The best spots are when?? you

and your opponent are far out of whack with each other�s estimates, and you can grab a

good side?? of the line for yourself and your opinion. But again, even then, Lodden can

screw it all up for you.

Laak?? and Esfandiari usually play �Lodden Thinks� for one

hundred dollars a question, but some high rollers have played for much?? more. On Season

6 of Poker After Dark, the players get involved in some high stakes �Lodden Thinks�

atR$1,000 a?? question. At one point Phil Ivey and Doyle Brunson betR$10,000 on how old

Daniel Negreanu thinks Clint Eastwood is. Phil?? Hellmuth remarks that it�s the biggest

�Lodden Thinks� bet he�s ever seen. (Ivey wins by taking under 74. Negreanu went?? for


The other thing that�s fun about �Lodden Thinks� is coming up with amusing

questions. Again, the more obscure and?? unknowable, the better in my opinion. Someone

could easily know how old Clint Eastwood is. If you want to figure?? out how someone

might guess at how many cars there are at the bottom of Lake Michigan, you�d need to

?? really get inside your �Lodden�s� head to figure out how they will try to figure out

the answer. One of?? my favorite questions I�ve heard came from a table with Shaun Deeb

at the Seminole Hard Rock: �What�s the total?? number of people that have been murdered

by the current population of this casino right now?� You can imagine how?? the discussion

around the bidding for that one went.

�If you play a lot you start noticing human

patterns,� Laak told?? Epic Poker. �You start picking up edge before the game even

starts.� Laak says that the more you play, the?? better idea you�ll have about how people

will guess on questions that revolve around certain themes. So like most gambling

?? games, experience and practice helps.

So the question that remains is, what does Johnny

Lodden think about Lodden Thinks? In interviews?? he has said that he had a lot of fun

playing the game at first, but that Antonio Esfandiari has?? taken the game to a whole

new level, playing it wherever he goes as often as he can. �I�ve played?? with Antonio a

bunch and I�ve never seen him lose,� Lodden said. �That�s why it�s still running. He�s

hustling everyone.�


1. Designate someone to be

"Johnny Lodden"

2. Ask that person any question with a numerical?? answer and have them

write down their guess.

3. Propose a number you think they wrote down.

4. Your opponent

can either?? propose a higher number or "call" your bet.

5. Once someone "calls," reveal

"Johnny's" guess.

6. Whoever was called has to be?? under "Johnny's" guess to win. If

they are over, they lose and the person who called wins.

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