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Por La Nacion � Rio de Janeiro 07/12/2023 03h30 Atualizado 7 dezembro / 20 23 Assinantes podem presentear 5 acessos GRATUITOS por dia. Consumir os chamados frutos seco, � um dos grandes imperativo a para manter vitais as fun��es do corpo! Suas variedades e propriedades renutricionais s�o diversas que funcionam como escudo contra o desenvolvimento das doen�as ou garantem � longevidade nas pessoas�. Dentro desta fam�lia tamb�m 1 aos mais importantes � Oamendoim: Embora geralmente associado com uma fruta seca porque �sua

concentra��o de gordura � maior que a das leguminosas secas como o ervilha, porque cont�m menor propor��o em prote�nas ou carboidratos�, segundo A nutricionista Natalia Ontar; na verdade foi: �botanicamente era uma gram�nea gra�as cresce com um vagem�. explicando. essa semente Se desenvolve no subsolo dentro da numa casca lenhosa - quando � flor desta planta murrecha (e pokerVagens para baixo), enterram-seA aproximadamente cinco cent�metros do solo! Cigarro :pararar De fumaR reduz risco por diabetes Em

40%, diz OMSCovid-19: minist�rio orienta dose extra da vacina bivalente para idosos e grupos de risco diante a nova variante � uma sementede um leguminosa chamada Arachis hypogaea. nativa o Peru � com aproximadamente 18.000 anos! Registro os arqueol�gicos estimam que A popula��o ind�gena daquela �poca utilizavaoamendoim como moeda ou Para fins culin�rios; Com � chegada dos espanh�is ao territ�rio sul-americano

produtores do mundo s�o a China e A �ndia. Quanto � semeadura, inicia-se no final da primavera ou estende - se at� o outono! Em rela��o �s suas propriedades: Oamendoim destaca�Se por ser um alimento nobre � completo em n�vel nutricional�. Importante fonte de gorduras monoinsaturadas com fibras), vitaminaS E antioxidantes; �eu consumo demonstrou melhorar as fun��o cognitiva que h� resposta ao estresse�, mencionaAntar). Al�m disso tamb�m�protege/nos contra eventos cardiovasculares ( proporciona saciedade", acrescenta ela

nutricionista. O seu consumo � uma excelente op��o para um lanche ou combinado em diferentes prepara��es culin�rias, por exemplo numa salada! Os benef�cios do amendoim Umametendoi foi o superalimento cujo consumido proporciona importantes resultados divitacionais que-pore pokervez - promovem Uma sa�de ideal�. A C�mara Argentina deAm�ramins garante e fora classificado desta forma devido � Sua alta concentra��ode nutrientesemuma pequena por��oe aos efeitos � Sa�de associados ao Seu uso

frequente. Embora seja rico em calorias, �100 gramas de amendoim fornecem cerca e 567 cal horas�, revela Antar; esta condi��o n�o prejudica o seu car�ter saud�vel�. Nesse sentido: Julio Bragagnolo - m�dico da chefe na unidade por Nutri��o com Diabetes do Hospital Ramos Mej�a (na Argentina), incentiva as pessoas para que terem medo deles!�Esse os alimentos t�m uma densidadecal�rica significativa � O isso gera certos receios � popula��o quando temede ganhar peso aocom�-los? Por�m tamb�m s�o muito nutritivos", afirma). 1)

Reduz o colesterol O amendoim ajuda A reduzir docoletol ruim (LD L) no sangue,o que pode ajudar em melhorara sa�de da cora��o.A presen�a de gorduras monoinsaturadas e compostos como �cido os fen�licoes: polifeOis ou flavonoides colaboram na absor��o desse ColeterOL proveniente dos alimentos E evita Que ele se Deposite nas paredes das art�riaS�. Al�m disso tamb�m um portal Medical News Today destacaquer ao armodo foi � uma alimento rico Em pararginina � amino�cido n�o promove � circula��o sangu�nea), reduz as press�o arterial

e, por padr�o. previne doen�as card�acas; 2) Equilibra o a��car no sangue O Medical News Today aponta que do amendoim � um excelente alimento para pessoas com diabetes ou em risco de sofrer da doen�a�, pois cont�m baixo �ndice glic�mico ( Desta forma), seu consumo n�o gera aumento repentino na li glicoseemia�. Al�m disso: A fibra presente Noaeandoi � cada 100 gramaS cont�m 18,5 gr desse dinutriente - retarda �digest�o tamb�m aumenta os tr�nsito intestinal j� Preseine uma constipa��o buestomacal and melhora as sa�de DO

c�lon. Consumir amendoim na quantidade certa tamb�m beneficia pessoas com sobrepeso porquea fibra proporciona saciedade por muito tempo, Isso evita A fome e os consequentes lanches�, explicam dos especialistas consultados; 3) Poderoso antioxidante V�rios minerais s�o abundanteS no oameandoi: entre eles pot�ssio de f�sforo para (magn�sio), c�lcio E zinco - al�mde vitamina- do complexo B ouE). Destaca�se ainda � presen�a em compostos polifen�licoes � subst�ncias que protegeram as c�lulas contra part�culas Nocivas como radicais

livres, danos oxidativos e envelhecimento prematuro. Todos esses nutrientes tamb�m melhoram as fun��es vitais do corpo: os sistemas imunol�gico de cognitivo - muscular E �sseo; MulticonsumO O Medical News Today recomenda consumir amendoim cru com casca inclu�da", pois esta parte se caracteriza por conter maior presen�ade antioxidantes que destaca o relat�rio da entidade�. Questionado si existe uma quantidade estipulaada em consumo di�riog Aameandoi?Antar comenta sobre Em termos gerais sugere-Se pelo menos Uma

por��o de cerca. 30 gramas por dia sem sal, n�o fritura a e com adi��ode a��cares! Em qualquer caso ele esclarece que este n�mero pode variar se acordo em diversos fatores espec�ficos da cada pessoa como altura), peso do tipo ou estilo De vida: Risco para infec��o : Do arroz ao ovo at� os 4 alimentos mais nunca devem ser requentadoSVeja tamb�m; Anvisa identifica Agrot�xicom acima no permitidoem 25% dos produtos origem vegetal Outra forma saud�vel � consumir esse alimento � Por meio na manteiga um armendoim (

alternativa que recentemente ganhou grande relev�ncia entre pessoas com se preocupam em os cuidados pessoais e tamb�m inter quem busca, por exemplo. uma op��o diferenciada para cozinhar ou substituir doces leite? O fato chama a aten��o � o seu alto Aporte de prote�nas vegetais � essenciais par ao correto desenvolvimento da repara��o na massa muscular! Dados do portal Medical News Today detalharam: duas colheresde sopa desse alimento fornecem 7 02 gramaS dessa prote�na; No �leo Deamendoim foi outra variante

que tamb�m se tornou popular para uso culin�rio. No entanto, �embora os �leos de nozes sejam uma boa fontede nutrientes saud�veis e carecem em fibras (que Se perdeem quando dos alimentos s�o Decomposto)�, diz Bragagnolo a mencionando como: ao cozinhar com este tipo do azeite - pelo contr�rio aos vegetais � responde por um forma diferente�.�EleS podem ficar amargoes n�o foremaccidodos demais", fala o especialista! Precau��es Embora existam diversas virtude- nutricionais), VilagnaLO dsaconselha O consumo da Ameandoim

glaceado � com a��car - ou mergulhado em chocolate. Al�m disso, alerta que muitas vezes essas sementes tamb�m possuem adi��o de sal e nestes casos a sugere para indiv�duos como press�o alta Evitem seu consumo! �Como princ�pio geral: quanto mais natural for o Amendoim � melhor�, enfatiza ela nutricionista�. al�m desse; quem tem prediSposi��o � sofrer da dilergiaes alimentares deve ter um cuidado especial sobree pokeringest�o doaeandoi ( pois geralmente cont�m prote�nas chamadas narachina and conarachinque podem causar

diversas rea��es no organismo. �A alergia aoamendoim � uma das causas mais comuns de ataques al�rgicos, Algumas da suas manifesta��es s�o rea��o cut�neaS e sensa��o que formigamento na boca ou Na garganta), problemas digestivos E falta do ar�, lista Antar). Essas reagir", especifica ela renutricionista tamb�m podem ocorrer poucos minutos ap�s � exposi��oao alimento: "Uma onergica pelo parametrin ocorre quando um sistema imunol�gico identifica erroneamente as prote�nas deste alimentos como prejudiciais�. Em seguida ele libera

subst�ncias qu�micas que causam sintomas na corrente sangu�nea�, explica Antar. Essas rea��es podem ocorrer por diferentes raz�es: �A forma mais comum de alergia aoamendoim � o contato direto, quando ele foi consumido em seu formato original ou com meio e outros alimentos n�o contenhame pokerpresen�aou pela exposi��o Na pele", afirma Ontou). Outra formasde Desencadear umasergica � atrav�s do contacto cruzado � ( se refere � "introdu��o involunt�ria DE parametrex num determinado produto alimentar�, diz ela

nutricionista. Pode at� se manifestar �pela inala��o de poeira ou aerosS�is que contenham amendoim�, acrescenta Antar, Este alimento � mais uma op��o dentro da grande variedadede produtos saud�veis eA vantagem foi: ele est� dispon�vel o ano todo E quem n�o gosta em com�-lo sozinho pode mistur� -o nas refei��es! Insecreva�Se na Newsletter : Sa�deem dia Dados do IBGE refor�am peso das desigualdade De g�nero nos indicadores sociais Propriet�rio pela SAF no Botafogo ainda realfinetou os alviverde

"compaix�o" da arbitragem ao clube Fam�lias das v�timas foram convidada a vera homenagem antes de abertura do p�blico �rea segue sob risco, colapso. Velocidadede afundamento � que 0,21cm por hora Iniciativa faz parte: compromisso pela companhia em se tornar carbono neutro at� 2050 De 4 e janeiro A 25 DE fevereiro�, o Teatro Prudential est� palco para O espet�culo 'Antes no Ano QueVeem". Issinantes pelo jornalO GLOBOS t�m 50% com desconto Funcion�rio dos servi�o- resgate paquistan�s afirmou � imprensa local

que as pernas do homem estavam muito feridas Estudo mostrou: se um dos c�njuges tem press�o alta, � mais prov�vel de o outro tenha


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Alex Fitzgerald Shares 5 Ways to Know If You are Running Bad or Playing Badly


10, 2024 Alex Fitzgerald

I constantly work with clients who tell me they are running

bad when they are actually playing poorly.

How do I know they are playing poorly? I

review their hands. They give me hand histories from their online play. I make them

write down every hand they play live. What we analyze isn't pretty.

If you want to make

a grown man cry show him all the ways he lost money in a particular session. With

database management tools, you can show the person their expected losses based on their


Do you think you have been running badly lately?

It's possible that you are

running badly, but what is far more likely is that you are playing badly somewhere.


following five leaks are the most common ways people destroy their results. If you are

committing any of these errors, then you are likely playing badly as opposed to running


Cold Calling Too Much

Do not cold call someone's open raise from the small blind,

hijack, lojack, or early position without astounding pot odds and an incredible suited

high-card hand.

If you can do that you will avoid a huge trap most players fall


Go look at your cold calls on your hand history analysis tool. Oftentimes, you

will see losses racking up.

The most common places people lose money with cold calls

are in the small blind and any position earlier than the cutoff.

The reason for this is

that by cold calling preflop you immediately tell your opponents that you do not have

the best hands in your range. You would have three-bet your premiums. This gives them a

license to fire into you.

Additionally, if someone is three-betting behind you and you

are not calling them then you are giving up a ton of chips every time that happens. For

instance, you call four 2.5x raises and then fold to squeezes that are 10 big blinds.

That might be your win rate for 100 hands. I don't know how many hands you're going to

play in a day, but that is a serious bite taken out of your earnings.


Betting Too Much

Almost all players who complain that they are running badly are also

continuation betting too much.

There are times when you cannot continuation-bet. If you

do so in these situations, you are just pissing away three or four big blinds. If you

do three bad continuation-bets in a session that's another 10 or so big blinds you've

given to your competition. Again, that might be your entire win rate for 100 hands. How

many hands are you playing today?

When the big blind calls you that is a good time to

continuation-bet. They are calling you with half the hands in the deck. They are going

to be missing the flop a large percentage of the time. You can take a shot at that

player when you�re in position.

However, if you raise from early position and a solid

player cold calls you from the hijack you need to be careful. That solid player is not

cold-calling with a wide range. That's likely strong suited connectors, suited

Broadways, and medium pocket pairs. They are going to be hitting most flops. Your best

course of action is to check and then fold.

Most players do not find the opportunities

to fold. If you are folding in situations where your competition is losing chips, then

you will beat them as the years go by.

When you go to the grocery store the clerk

doesn't know where your money came from. They will still hand you your bread and

bananas if the money came from not pissing away continuation bets and cold calls. The

money all spends the same.

Alex Fitzgerald

Firing The Turn Recklessly

Most of my

clients are like most of you. They play lower to middle stakes games where nobody wants

to fold and where nobody respects your raises.

In lower-limit games or less-skilled

games, most people want to see the flop. That is how they relieve stress. That is how

they forget about their day at work. They call raises and see flops. When those cards

are being spread across the table, they feel nothing. They're not thinking about

anything that is bothering them.

For this reason, most lower-level competition sees too

many flops. When they miss the flop, their curiosity is satiated. They will call with

their best high cards but generally they fold if they miss. Especially in multi-way


What this means is that if you fire a continuation-bet into the flop and get

called your opponent likely has at least a pair. If the turn card is not a card that

would fold out a pair, you should pump the brakes.

It's not sexy. It's not going to get

you on any highlight reels. It doesn't feel great. But such is life when you are

playing against weaker competition. You have to meet reality on reality's terms and

accept that your opponents do not want to fold once they've made up their mind with a

decent pair.

Not Threebetting Enough

When you sit down at a table you should be

watching everybody play. A showdown is a mountain of information.

Let's say you saw a

player open the K?8? from early position.

For the rest of the session, you better be

three-betting your KxQx and KxJx versus his opens for value.

You might do this in

earlier positions than you would like, but this player opened up this play. If he calls

out of position and makes a weak pair, you will be dominating him. You need to go for

serious value at this point.

One of the most important skills you can develop in

no-limit hold'em is a good three-betting game. You don't want your opponents to keep

stealing your late-position raises. You don't want your opponents to keep forcing you

to fold good hands or play them passively. You want to three-bet them and dominate.


don't have enough space in this article to discuss all the different ways you can

three-bet your opponents and become table captain. So, if you want to learn how to

dominate any table, I'm going to give you this master class of mine for free. Learn how

to three-bet everybody here.

Kyle Julius vs Alex Fitzgerald

Not Value Betting Enough


can't beat these donkeys. They never fold," my client says to start the lesson.


minutes later a hand comes up. My client has top pair with a great kicker. A flush draw

on the board misses. My client bets half pot.

"Why did you bet half pot there?" I


"I think I have the best hand," they say, "I want him to call."

"Why don't you

overbet?" I ask. "Why not bet 110% of the pot and represent the missed flush draw?"


don't want them to fold," my client says.

"So you overbet here when you miss the board

right? As a bluff? Because they fold?"

"No, they never fold," my client says.

I let the

answer hang in the air for a minute.

"You can't have it both ways," I tell them. "This

is either an occasion where we can bet huge for value or it�s a spot to bluff. Why not

at least bet 80% of the pot?�

The biggest mistake players make is they try to play

perfectly all the time. They are terrified about value betting thinly and then getting

raised. They don't care that they don't get raised more than 90% of the time. The 10%

of the time they have to fold a good hand makes them feel terrible about


This is not a neat game. This is not a perfect game. This is a messy game.

There's a reason people like to play poker in backrooms while drinking whiskey. It's

supposed to be a mess.

You can either try to be perfect all the time or you can get

primal. You can start looking to land overbet bombs or you can be stuck in your shell


The people in your games never fold right?

When was the last time you triple

barreled a second pair with top kicker?

When was the last time you triple barreled a

weak top pair?

When was the last time you three-bet a mediocre hand to get serious

value out of it?

If your opponents never fold you should be able to do all of these


Go look at your hand histories. Filter for triple barrels. Filter for

three-bets. See what you find.

About Alex Fitzgerald

Alex Fitzgerald is a professional

poker player and best-selling author who currently lives in Denver, Colorado. He is a

WPT and EPT final tablist. He has WCOOP and SCOOP wins online. His most recent win was

forR$250,000 online. He currently enjoys blasting bums away in online tournaments while

he listens to death metal.

Alex can be reached for private coaching at [email


Learn how to three bet everybody here!

Sharelines Alex Fitzgerald shares

five leaks that are the most common ways people destroy their results.

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