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? Howard Pollack (1999).

Aaron Copland:: The Life and Work of an Uncommon Man.

University of Illinois Press.p.28.

ISBN 9780252069000 .

Arnold Dobrin similarly reported, "Aaron Copland has not followed the religion of his parents.

He is an agnostic but one who is deeply aware of the grandeur and mystery of the universe."

? Dina Kraft (14 de mar�o de 2013).

� ' Repairing the world' was Aaron Swartz's calling�.Haaretz .

And although the young technologist and activist grew up to call himself an atheist, the values he grew up with appeared foundational.

? � ' He brings a humanness to (science) that's very refreshing ' �.

Rediff On The News .

Although he is an atheist, Dr Ashtekar says, his attitude toward work is from the Hindu religious text, the Bhagavad Gita.

? Michael Martin (2007).

The Cambridge Companion to Atheism.

Cambridge University Press.p.310.

ISBN 9780521842709 .

"Among celebrity atheists with much biographical data, we find leading psychologists and psychoanalysts.

We could provide a long list, including G.

Stanley Hall, John B.Watson, Carl R.Rogers...Abraham Maslow...

Maslow was a second-generation atheist, and his father was a militant freethinker."

? V�deo "AVTM shares Catholic-Atheist liberty hug with Tom Woods", dispon�vel no YouTube.

? The Inflationary Universe: The Quest for a New Theory of Cosmic Origins (1998).

"The question of the origin of the matter in the universe is no longer thought to be beyond the range of science - everything can be created from nothing...

it is fair to say that the universe is the ultimate free lunch." Alan Guth,(1998).q:Atheism

? "Biblical scholar Jacques Berlinerblau points out, in an interesting recent book, The Secular Bible: Why Nonbelievers Must Take Religion Seriously (2005), that most contemporary atheists and agnostics - myself included, I must confess - are astoundingly ignorant of the details of the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament and the Qur'an.

(not to mention the Bhagavad Gita and the Tripitaka, one could add)...

When all is said and done, I see no reason to amend my judgment that the existence of the Jewish, Christian, Islamic or Hindu gods is about as plausible, given the currently available evidence, as the existence of Zeus or Thor.

" - Alan Sokal, Beyond the Hoax: Science, Philosophy and Culture (2008).

? Naukowe, L�dzkie (2003).

Bulletin de la Soci�t� des sciences et des lettres de L�dz: S�rie, Recherches sur les d�formations, Volumes 39�42.

Soci�t� des sciences et des lettres de L�dz.p.162.

"Michelson's biographers stress, that our hero was not conspicuous by religiousness.

His father was a free-thinker and Michelson grew up in non-religious family and have no opportunity to acknowledge the believe of his forebears.

He was agnostic through his whole life and only for the short period he was a member of the 21st lodge in Washington."? John D.Barrow (2002).

The Book of Nothing: Vacuums, Voids, and the Latest Ideas About the Origins of the Universe.

Random House Digital, Inc.p.136.

ISBN 978-0-375-72609-5 .

"Morley was deeply religious.

His original training had been in theology and he only turned to chemistry, a self-taught hobby, when he was unable to enter the ministry.

Michelson, by contrast, was a religious agnostic."

? 1984; Dorothy Michelson Livingston; One Pass Productions; Cinema Guild.

The Master of Light: A Biography of Albert A.Michelson.

University of Chicago Press.p.106.

"On the religious question, Michelson disagreed with both these men.

He had renounced any belief that moral issues were at stake in..."

? "Foi, � claro, uma mentira o que voc� leu sobre minhas convic��es religiosas, uma mentira que est� sendo sistematicamente repetida.

Eu n�o acredito$5 minimum deposit online casinoum deus pessoal e nunca neguei isso; ao contr�rio, expressei claramente.

Se existe algo$5 minimum deposit online casinomim que pode ser chamado de religioso, esse algo � a minha admira��o ilimitada pela estrutura do mundo at� onde a ci�ncia nos pode revel�-lo".

Carta a um ateu (24 de Mar�o de 1954),$5 minimum deposit online casinoAlbert Einstein, The Human Side: New Glimpses From His Archives (1979), de Helen Dukas e Banesh Hoffmann, p�gina 43.

? "Disse repetidamente que,$5 minimum deposit online casinominha opini�o, a ideia de um deus pessoal � infantil.

Voc� pode me chamar de agn�stico (...)".Carta a Guy H.Raner Jr.

(28 de Setembro de 1949), de um artigo de Michael R.

Gilmore na revista Skeptic, vol.5.n� 2 (1997).

? "Minha posi��o a respeito de Deus � a de um agn�stico.

Estou convencido de que uma consci�ncia v�vida da import�ncia prim�ria de princ�pios morais para a melhoria e o enobrecimento da vida n�o precisa da ideia de um legislador, especialmente um legislador que trabalha na base da recompensa e da puni��o".Carta a M.

Berkowitz, 25 de Outubro de 1950, dispon�vel no Einstein Archive 59�215.

Citada$5 minimum deposit online casinoThe New Quotable Einstein (2000), de Alice Calaprice.

Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, p.216.

? Nielsen, Stevan Lars & Ellis, Albert.(1994).

"A discussion with Albert Ellis: Reason, emotion and religion", Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 13(4), Win 1994.pp.327-341? Harold Bloom, ed.(2003).Aldous Huxley.

Infobase Publishing.p.27.

ISBN 978-0-7910-7040-6 .

As late as 1962 he wrote to Reid Gardner, "I remain an agnostic who aspires to be a gnostic" (Letters 935).

? Senses of Cinema, February 13, 2007.

"However, while Bu�uel's attacks on religion are primarily confined to Catholicism, Jodorowsky not only violates but de-centres Western religious traditions by creating a hybrid amalgamation of Western, non-Western and occult beliefs.

A self-described "atheist mystic", he has claimed to hate religion (for it "is killing the planet"), but he loves mysticism and occult practices like alchemy.

" David Church,, February 13, 2007.[1]

? Neil Schlager; Josh Lauer (2000).

Science and its times: understanding the social significance of scientific discovery illustrated ed.[S.l.]: Gale Group.p.112.

ISBN 978-0-7876-3939-6.

Alexander Oparin (1894-1980), an atheist, suggested that natural chemical reactions produced biological molecules that came together to form the first living thing.

? In his introduction to the Sunshine screenplay (Faber and Faber 2007), Garland writes: "Aside from being a love letter to its antecedents, I wrote Sunshine as a film about atheism.

A crew is en route to a God-like entity: the Sun.

The Sun is larger and more powerful than we can imagine.

The Sun gave us life, and can take it away.

It is nurturing, in that it provides the means of our survival, but also terrifying and hostile [...

] Ultimately, even the most rational crew member is overwhelmed by his sense of wonder and, as he falls into the star, he believes he is touching the face of God.But he isn't.

The Sun is God-like, but not God.

Not a conscious being.

Not a divine architect.

And the crew member is only doing what man has always done: making an awestruck category error when confronted with our small place within the vast and neutral scheme of things.

The director, Danny Boyle, who is not atheistic in the way that I am, felt differently.

He believed that the crew actually were meeting God.

I didn't see this as a major problem, because the difference in our approach wasn't in conflict with the way in which the story would be told."

? David Burns (2013).

The Life and Death of the Radical Historical Jesus.

Oxford University Press.p.97.

ISBN 9780199929504 .

"Alexander Berkman was a self-declared atheist attempting to lift the stultifying fog of the gods from the mind of humankind."

? "Impelling Forces".

Sasha and Emma: The Anarchist Odyssey of Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman.

Harvard University Press.2012.

ISBN 9780674067677 .

"Berkman, an atheist, refused to be sworn in."

? "Although Hurley's ecumenical links stopped short of the Communist Party, Alec Erwin, today's South African Minister of Trade and Industry, recalled their friendship in anti-apartheid days, though Erwin was an atheist and "he knew of my support for the Communist cause".

" Randolph Vigne, 'Obituary: Archbishop Denis Hurley, Progressive South African Prelate', The Independent (London), February 25, 2004, Pg.34.

? "He had remained steadfast in agnosticism and therefore, as Mabel took comfort in remarking, "he never denied God.

" Neither did he affirm God.

He and Mabel occasionally attended Presbyterian services and sometimes Episcopalian, at which Mabel could follow the prayer book.

Since otherwise she depended on Bell's interpreting, their church goings were rare; but their children attended Presbyterian services regularly.

In 1901 Bell came across a Unitarian pamphlet and found its theology congenially undogmatic.

"I have always considered myself as an Agnostic," he wrote Mabel, "but I have now discovered that I am a Unitarian Agnostic.

"" Bruce, Robert V (1973).

Bell: Alexander Graham Bell and the Conquest of Solitude.

Cornell University Press, pg.490

? "Alec, a skeptical Scot whose family never attended church, gently informed her that he believed "[m]en should be judged not by their religious beliefs but by their lives.

" He respected Mabel's beliefs, but he himself couldn't accept the notion of life after death: "Concerning Death and Immortality, Salvation, Faith and all the other points of theoretical religion, I know absolutely nothing and can frame no beliefs whatsoever.

" Mabel quietly accepted Alec's agnosticism, although she firmly informed him, "It is so glorious and comforting to know there is something after this-that everything does not end with this world.

"" Gray, Charlotte (2006).

Reluctant Genius: The Passionate Life and Inventive Mind of Alexander Graham Bell.

Harper Collins Publishers Ltd., pg.151

? The Washington Times.

Retrieved February 2, 2007.

"Kinsey was also shown to be an atheist who loathed religion and its constraints on sex.

" 'Kinsey' critics ready , Cheryl Wetzstein,.

Retrieved February 2, 2007.

? Michael Evlanoff; Marjorie Fluor (1969).

Alfred Nobel, the loneliest millionaire.W.Ritchie Press.p.88.

"He declared himself an agnostic in his youth, an atheist later, but at the same time, bestowed generous sums to the church..."

? Alfred Russel Wallace.My Life.

A record of events and opinions.Elibron.com.p.358.

ISBN 9781402184291 .

"I soon became intimate with him, and we were for some years joint investigators of spiritualistic phenomena.

He was, like myself at that time, an agnostic, well educated, and of a more positive character than myself."

? "Most of the Socialist Party members were also in favor of assimilation, and Tarski's political allegiance was socialist at the time.

So, along with its being a practical move, becoming more Polish than Jewish was an ideological statement and was approved by many, though not all, of his colleagues.

As to why Tarski, a professed atheist, converted, that just came with the territory and was part of the package: if you were going to be Polish then you had to say you were Catholic.

" Anita Burdman Feferman, Solomon Feferman, Alfred Tarski: Life and Logic (2004), page 39.

a b c d e Sem f� nem Deus .Revista Planeta.

Acesso$5 minimum deposit online casino29/07/2016.

"C�ndido Portinari, Graciliano Ramos, Jean-Paul Sartre, Jos� Saramago e John Lennon.

Cada um �$5 minimum deposit online casinomaneira, todos deram contribui��es definitivas para suas �reas de conhecimento.

H�, por�m, outro fator comum: todos s�o (ou eram) ateus.(...

) o franc�s Comte-Sponville defende um "ate�smo m�stico", baseado na no��o de que religi�o e espiritualidade s�o coisas diferentes e, portanto, � poss�vel ser ateu e cultivar uma espiritualidade."? Loren R.

Graham, Jean-Michel Kantor (2009).

Naming Infinity: A True Story of Religious Mysticism and Mathematical Creativity.[S.l.

]: Harvard University Press.p.69.

ISBN 978-0-674-03293-4.

Markov (1856�1922), on the other hand, was an atheist and a strong critic of the Orthodox Church and the tsarist government (Nekrasov exaggeratedly called him a Marxist).

? Gennady Gorelik, Antonina W.Bouis (2005).

The World of Andrei Sakharov: A Russian Physicist's Path to Freedom.[S.l.

]: Oxford University Press.p.356.ISBN 9780195156201.

Apparently Sakharov did not need to delve any deeper into it for a long time, remaining a totally nonmilitant atheist with an open heart.

? Gennadii Efimovich Gorelik, Antonina W.Bouis (2005).

The World of Andrei Sakharov: A Russian Physicist's Path to Freedom.[S.l.

]: Oxford University Press.p.158.ISBN 9780195156201.

Sakharov was not invited to this seminar.

Like most of the physicists of his generation, he was an atheist.? Todd K.

Shackelford, Viviana A.

Weekes-Shackelford, ed.(2012).

The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Violence, Homicide, and War.[S.l.

]: Oxford University Press.p.465.ISBN 9780199738403.

The Soviet dissident most responsible for defeating communism, Andrei Sakharov, was an atheist.

? "Obituary: Andrew Huxley".The Economist.June 16, 2012.

Retrieved 14 May 2013.

He did not even mind the master's duty of officiating in chapel, since he was, he explained, not atheist but agnostic (a word usefully invented by his grandfather), and was "very conscious that there is no scientific explanation for the fact that we are conscious."

? On his website's FAQ section Arquivado$5 minimum deposit online casino3 de fevereiro de 2014, no Wayback Machine .

Andy said: "I guess because of my look in the November 2006 YouTube videos, many people came to assume that I am Muslim.

Well, I am not Muslim.

I am actually an atheist.

As a side note, I believe in anyone's right to believe in what they want and kindly ask the same.

So please don't message me trying to convert me to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster or anything else"? Philip S.Taylor (2007).

Anton Rubinstein: A Life in Music.

Indiana University Press.p.280.

ISBN 9780253116758 .

"In the ecclesiastical and religious sense I am an atheist, but I am convinced that it would be a misfortune if people had no religion, no church, no God."

? Dismemberment in Drama/Dismemberment of Drama - Chapter Two - The Dismembered Body in Antonin Artaud's Surrealist Plays.

Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

[4] "Artaud's theories are phrased in a strongly poetical language that betrays an acute awareness of modernity's disenchanted life-world, but, at the same time, is obsessed with reviving the supernatural.

His profoundly atheist religiosity (if we may call it so) obviously presents great problems to scholarship." Thomas Crombez:.

Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

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? Hamalian, Leo (1980).

As others see us: the Armenian image in literature.

New York: Ararat Press.p.46.

ISBN 978-0933706170 .

"Aram Khachaturian ...

Besides his being an atheist, his Armenian descent..."? Volkov, Solomon.

"??? ????????? ????? 4 ????? ???? ??????!!!".

Novoye Vremya (in Russian) (Yerevan).

Archived from the original on 22 August 2014.

?? ?????? ??????? ? ??? ?????????? ???????: "? - ??????, ?? ??????? ????? ??????, ?????? ? ??????? ?????????? ????????? ????????????, ? ?????? ????????? ???????? ???? ???? ??????".

? O percurso da constitui��o do sujeito na cr�nica de Arnaldo Jabor .

Revista acad�mica Tabuleiro de Letras, da UNEB .

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Fui Am�rica at� os 12 anos (...

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) Sou ateu, sozinho, condenado a n�o ter f� (...

)" (Trechos retirados do artigo "Eu n�o gostava do papa Jo�o Paulo II", transcrito do jornal O Globo.)

? "Denjoy was an atheist, but tolerant of others' religious views; he was very interested in philosophical, psychological, and social issues.

" "Denjoy, Arnaud", Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography Vol.17, p.219.

Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008.

? Golgotha Pres (2011).

The Life and Times of Arthur Conan Doyle.

BookCaps Study Guides.

ISBN 9781621070276 .

In time, he would reject the Catholic religion and become an agnostic.

? "They became correspondents and, surprisingly since Tansley was an avowed atheist, friends." - Peter G.

Ayres, Shaping Ecology: The Life of Arthur Tansley, page 139.

? V�deo "Teste do Sof� ep.

5 | Luiz Felipe Pond�", aos 14:40: "Eu sou ateu toddynho..."

? "Although Schopenhauer was an atheist, he realized that his philosophy of denial had been part of several great religions; for example, Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism." B.R.Hergenhahn (2009).

An Introduction to the History of Psychology (6� ed.).

Cengage Learning, pg.216

? "A more accurate statement might be that for a German � rather than a French or British writer of that time � Schopenhauer was an honest and open atheist." David A.

Leeming, Kathryn Madden, Stanton Marlan, ed.(2009).

Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion, Volume 2.Springer.p.824

? "For Kant, the mathematical sublime, as seen for example in the starry heavens, suggests to imagination the infinite, which in turn leads by subtle turns of contemplation to the concept of God.

Schopenhauer's atheism will have none of this, and he rightly observes that despite adopting Kant's distinction between the dynamical and mathematical sublime, his theory of the sublime, making reference to the struggles and sufferings of struggles and sufferings of Will, is unlike Kant's.

" Dale Jacquette, ed.(2007).

Schopenhauer, Philosophy and the Arts.

Cambridge University Press.p.22

? Russell, Colin (2003).

Edward Frankland: Chemistry, Controversy and Conspiracy in Victorian England.

Cambridge University Press.

ISBN 978-0-521-54581-5 .

"It may be noticed in passing that the connection once made between Kolbe's cautious attitude to molecular structure and his alleged agnosticism in religion now seems thoroughly misplaced.

Kolbe, son of a Lutheran pastor and apparently sharing his faith, is in sharp contrast to his rivals who were 'younger upper-middle class urban liberals and agnostics, such as Kekule'."? "(...

) the only thing we have in common with those so designated is that we do not believe in God.

" John Stuart Mill, Auguste Comte.

[The Correspondence of John Stuart Mill and Auguste Comte https://books.google.com.

br/books?id=4JE5pl6it7gC&pg=PA320&lpg=PA320&dq=auguste+comte+atheist&source=bl&ots=1Szuvd22gb&sig=2eUBeMcme0YlWA4TuMTZdoLMZDo&hl=pt-BR&sa=X&ved=0CFsQ6AEwCGoVChMIuPL-sJ7yxgIVAhaQCh3gVQyxv=onepage&q=auguste%20comte%20atheist&f=false ], Transaction Publishers, p.320.

? "Despite his atheism, Comte was concerned with moral regeneration and the establishment of a spiritual power.

" Mary Pickering, 'Auguste Comte and the Saint-Simonians', French Historical Studies Vol.18, No.

1 (Spring 1993), pp.211-236.

? "But tragically, Comte's "remarkable clearness and extent of vision as to natural things" was coupled with a "total blindness in regard to all that pertains to man's spiritual nature and relations.

" His "astonishing philosophic power" served only to increase the "plausibility" of a dangerous infidelity.

Comte was, once unmasked, a "blank, avowed, unblushing Atheist." [...

] Some of the Reformed writers were careful enough to note that technically Comte was not an atheist since he never denied the existence of God, merely his comprehensibility.

Practically, however, this made little difference.

It only pointed to the skepticism and nescience at the core of his positivism.

The epistemological issues dominated the criticism of Comte.

Quickly, his atheism was traced to his sensual psychology (or "sensualistic psychology", as Robert Dabney preferred to say)." Charles D.

Cashdollar, 'Auguste Comte and the American Reformed Theologians', Journal of the History of Ideas Vol.39, No.

1 (January�March 1978), pp.61-79.

? OTIMISMO NA POESIA DE AUGUSTO DOS ANJOS , Verucci Domingos de Almeida (UEPB), p.117.

"Para Torres (1994, p 54), "Augusto dos Anjos, que, segundo parece n�o cria$5 minimum deposit online casinoDeus", e isso pode ser notado atrav�s do eu-l�rico dos seus versos.

Comungando com o pensamento de Torres, tamb�m para Houaiss (1976, p.

163) Augusto dos Anjos � "ostensivamente um ateu � pelo menos em$5 minimum deposit online casinopoesia."

? V�deo "Ayn Rand - No Proof of God", dispon�vel no YouTube.

"- You do not accept the existence of a god, a prime mover...- No."

? V�deo "Faith vs Reason - Ayn Rand", dispon�vel no YouTube.

"Every argument for the existence of God is incomplete, improper and has been refuted and people go on and on because they want to believe."

? "Within a year I had gone to Miss Graves to tell her that I no longer believed in God.

'I know,' she said, 'I have been through that myself.

' But her strategy misfired: I never went through it." B.F.Skinner, pp.387-413, E.G.Boring and G.

Lindzey's A History of Psychology in Autobiography (Vol.

5), New York: Appleton Century-Crofts, 1967.

a b c d e Michael Martin.

The Cambridge Companion to Atheism .

Cambridge University Press, 2006, p.310.

"Among celebrity atheists with much biographical data, we find leading psychologists and psychoanalysts.

We could provide a long list, including G.

Stanley Hall, John B.Watson, Carl R.

Rogers, Albert Ellis, James Leuba, Abraham Maslow, B.F.

Skinner, Hans Jurgen Eysenck, and Raymond B.

Cattell, and among psychoanalysts, Ernest Jones, Melanie Klein, Jacques Lacan, and William Alanson White (...)"

? "His life partner, Peter Pears, would describe Britten as "an agnostic with a great love for Jesus Christ.

" Benjamin Britten (1913 � 1976).

? Andrew Ford (2011).

Illegal Harmonies: Music in the Modern Age (3 ed.).Black Inc.p.77.

ISBN 9781921870217 .

In place of the Frenchman's unquestioning faith, for example, there was Britten's agnosticism; and in contrast to the uxorious Messiaen, Britten was a homosexual: this, at a time when homosexual practices were still illegal in the United Kingdom.

? Jeremy Begbie, Steven R.Guthrie, ed.(2011).

Resonant witness: conversations between music and theology.Wm.B.

Eerdmans Publishing.pp.192�193.

ISBN 9780802862778 .

I have already cited British composers whom one might describe as "mystical agnostics,"yet it is striking that these (with the arguable exceptions of Vaughan Williams and Benjamin Britten), are scarcely to be counted among the major innovators in twentieth-century music.

? Mervyn Cooke (1996).

Britten: War Requiem.

Cambridge University Press.p.16.

ISBN 9780521446334 .

From the Tribunal's subsequent report we learn (intriguingly) that Britten also declared 'I do not believe in the Divinity of Christ, but I think his teaching is sound and his example should be followed.'

? Russell said: "As a philosopher, if I were speaking to a purely philosophic audience I should say that I ought to describe myself as an Agnostic, because I do not think that there is a conclusive argument by which one prove that there is not a God.

On the other hand, if I am to convey the right impression to the ordinary man in the street I think I ought to say that I am an Atheist...

None of us would seriously consider the possibility that all the gods of Homer really exist, and yet if you were to set to work to give a logical demonstration that Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, and the rest of them did not exist you would find it an awful job.

You could not get such proof.

Therefore, in regard to the Olympic gods, speaking to a purely philosophical audience, I would say that I am an Agnostic.

But speaking popularly, I think that all of us would say in regard to those gods that we were Atheists.

In regard to the Christian God, I should, I think, take exactly the same line.

" Am I an Agnostic or an Atheist?, from Last Philosophical Testament 1943�1968, (1997) Routledge ISBN 0-415-09409-7 .

Russell was chosen by LOOK magazine to speak for agnostics in their well-known series explaining the religions of the U.S.

, and authored the essay "What Is An Agnostic?" which appeared 3 November 1953 in that magazine

? Steve Wartenberg: ""So, do you believe in God?" I asked".

""You really can't know," answered Bill Nye the Controversial Guy.

" Steve Wartenberg, The Morning Call, 6 April 2006.

? "Connolly has tackled drama before, notably in the film Mrs Brown, with Dame Judi Dench, but he's never portrayed anyone like Father Joe, who is psychic and possibly deranged.

"I was brought up as a Catholic," Connolly says.

"Aye, I have a cousin who is a nun and another cousin who is a missionary priest in Pakistan.

" He pauses and smiles.

"And I am an atheist.

" " Elaine Lipworth interviewing Connolly, 'No laughing matter', Independent (Dublin), 1 August 2008 (accessed 1 August 2008).

? V�deo "Bill Maher and Billy Crystal Talking About Religion", dispon�vel no YouTube.

Aos 11 segundos: "- You'd like to believe in a god, but it's very difficult...

- It's difficult, yeah."

? V�deo "ABBA Bj�rn on Atheism and Religion", dispon�vel no YouTube.

Em 1:13: "- You are an atheist, aren't you ? - Yes, I am."

? V�deo "Bob Geldoff on his Atheism", dispon�vel no YouTube.

"- Is there a god ? - No.- Nothing ? - No."

? No document�rio "Oh My God", de 2009, Geldof � perguntado sobre Deus e revela seu ate�smo.

? '"We're dealing with religious zealots.

I mean, they're so far behind the equal as it is and it's not like they...

no one's ever coming up to us, as individuals, and asking about our individual viewpoints, because in our band, believe it or not, though I am a staunch atheist, there are variation on that theme that go through our band" Bad Religion Talk 'True North' and Religious Views (Part 1 of 2)]

? "If you say 'there is no God,' where is evidence there is no God? You can say 'I don't know.

' Being an agnostic to me is a scientific point of view, which is supportable.

In my experience, I felt at times that there is a God of some kind.

I don't subscribe to any organized religion � that's a different matter.

But if there is a God, we have very little idea of what that God may be.

That's inherent in what we are," he said." - Brian May, RT.

com, 26 de Julho de 2011.

? Black Ship to Hell (1962)] endeavoured to formulate a morality based on reason rather than religion-Brophy described herself as 'a natural, logical and happy atheist' (King of a Rainy Country, afterword, 276).

" Peter Parker: 'Brophy, Brigid Antonia [married name Brigid Antonia Levey, Lady Levey] (1929�1995)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, September 2004; online edition, May 2006 "It [her non-fiction book(1962)] endeavoured to formulate a morality based on reason rather than religion-Brophy described herself as 'a natural, logical and happy atheist' (, afterword, 276).

" Peter Parker: 'Brophy, Brigid Antonia [married name Brigid Antonia Levey, Lady Levey] (1929�1995)',, Oxford University Press, September 2004; online edition, May 2006 [6] (accessed April 29, 2008).

? V�deo "Bruce Lee - American Freethinker!", dispon�vel no YouTube.

"- What's your religion ? - None whatsoever.

- Do you believe in God ? - To be perfectly frank, I really do not."

? "A self-described atheist, Lancaster had turned down the role in the remake of Ben-Hur (1959) played by Charlton Heston, but followed in Heston's footsteps when he played the title role in Moses the Lawgiver [...].

When a reporter asked him if he was following in Heston's sandal-clad steps, Lancaster replied, "If Charlton was trapped in Biblical films, it was his own fault - he accepted the limitation.

" Though Lancaster claimed he was an atheist, some of his friends doubted him.

" Biography for Burt Lancaster, The Internet Movie Database (accessed June 9, 2008).

? Ramananda Chatterjee, ed.(1981).

The Modern review, Volume 145.

Prabasi Press Private, Ltd.p.154.

CV Raman recehed the Nobel prize for physics in 1930 - and Lc was the first Asian scientist to get a Nobel award.

Raman, born in an orthodox South Indian Brahmin.

family, was in agnostic.

? Uma Parameswaran (2011).C.V.Raman: A Biography.

Penguin Books India.p.5.

ISBN 9780143066897 .

His readings in Herbert Spencer's philosophy and his leanings towards agnosticism (he avidly read R.G.

Ingersoll-the American political leader, and Charles Bradlaugh-the English founder of the National Secular Society) and mainly his lack of money to repeat the courses, led him back to the village.

? V�deo "Caetano se declara ateu no Doming�o do Faust�o, 31-07-2011", dispon�vel no YouTube.

Aos 43 segundos: "(...

) eu pedi a Deus - eu nem acredito$5 minimum deposit online casinoDeus, mas pedi a Deus pra que me chamassem pra fazer a m�sica pra esse filme."

? Museu Casa de Portinari reabre com novidades e programa��o especial .Jornal A Cidade.

Acesso$5 minimum deposit online casino29/07/2016."(...

) a capela foi constru�da por Candido Portinari � que era ateu � especialmente para a av� Pellegrina, que, por conta da fr�gil sa�de, n�o podia se deslocar at� a igreja local."

? ISTO� Independente - Frases da semana .

"Acho que Deus � uma fic��o.

O homem tem essa necessidade de se projetar numa coisa universal."

? V�deo "Camila Pitanga fala como e ser At�ia", dispon�vel no YouTube.

? Richard Benefield, ed.(2003).

Motets for One Voice: The Organ-accompanied Solo Motet in Nineteenth-century France, Volume 36.A-R Editions, Inc.p.xx.

ISBN 9780895795274 .

"An avowed atheist, Saint-Sa�ns's uncompromisingly rigid standards and austere musical tastes, as well as his outspoken views on church music, often placed him at odds with the clergy."? "...

he always remained true to his own concepts and ideals and did not dissimulate.

His open designation of himself as "atheist" in "Who's Who in America" and his opposition to the invasion of the Soviet Union by the Allies..." H J Muller, 'Dr.Calvin B.

Bridges', Nature 143, 191-192 (04 Feb 1939).

? "Famed scientist Carl Sagan was also a renowned sceptic and agnostic who during his life refused to believe in anything unless there was physical evidence to support it.

" "Unbeliever's Quest" by Jerry Adler, in Newsweek, 31 March 1997.

? V�deo "O Deus de Carlos Drummond de Andrade", dispon�vel no YouTube.

"Eu n�o creio$5 minimum deposit online casinoDeus.

Seria incoer�ncia apelar para ele no final da vida.

Admiro muito a postura de Machado de Assis, que n�o chamou ningu�m quando se defrontou com a morte.

Essa ideia me acompanha.

" - Trecho de entrevista com o poeta de 11/10/1985

? Trecho do document�rio O Fazendeiro do Ar (1972) , aos 5:24: "A minha experi�ncia religiosa resulta, naturalmente, da forma��o familiar, n�? N�s herdamos a religi�o como a gente herdava os objetos, as terras, tudo que havia dos antepassados.

Sucede que, j� mo�o, eu abandonei esse fardo.

A minha experi�ncia foi muito desalentadora.

Acredito que o contato com os padres tenha influ�do para que eu me afastasse do sentimento religioso.

E depois as leituras dos escritores franceses c�ticos, aquela gera��o de Anatole France, R�my de Bourbon, que era uma gera��o muito cr�tica, muito curiosa de investigar o porqu� das coisas e que n�o aceitava as verdades estabelecidas...

isso fez com que eu perdesse completamente esse v�nculo, embora eu, seja dito de passagem, acho admir�vel que os outros tenham religi�o."? "O felix culpa" .Folha de S.Paulo.

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"Agn�stico por convic��o, gosto de comemorar as duas p�scoas."

? Deus seja louvado .Folha de S.Paulo.

Acesso$5 minimum deposit online casino15/09/2016."(...

) o pa�s tem diversas religi�es e, inclusive, tem razo�vel porcentagem de ateus ou agn�sticos de carteirinha, entre os quais o cronista se inclui (...)"

? A f� no fim do s�culo .�poca.

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"Carlos Heitor Cony gosta de se classificar como o mais cat�lico dos agn�sticos (...

) �poca: Isso quer dizer que voc� voltou ao catolicismo? Cony: N�o, continuo agn�stico.

Vivo uma d�vida geral.

At� da exist�ncia de Deus."

? O dia$5 minimum deposit online casinoque o "te�logo ateu" visitou J�nio Quadros .Revista Continente.

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"Cony passou a expor uma erudita exegese sobre a evolu��o do que ele chamava de$5 minimum deposit online casino"crise espiritual" � que teve in�cio quando ele era aluno aplicado do Semin�rio S�o Jos�, no Rio, e s� findou quando o jovem crente e temente de ontem se transformou no irremedi�vel agn�stico de hoje."

? Carlos Heitor Cony - "Ainda n�o encontrei a profundidade" .

Revista Entrelivros (entrevista dispon�vel no site oficial do escritor).

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) depois de pensar$5 minimum deposit online casinose dedicar � vida mon�stica, virou ateu e hoje � um agn�stico devoto de Maria (...)"

? �M�rio Magalh�es fala sobre Carlos Marighella�.PCdoB.

22 de novembro de 2012 .

M�rio Magalh�es se lan�ou ao desafio de recontar a hist�ria de um filho de Ox�ssi que se dizia ateu.

? Smith, Warren Allen (25 October 2000).Who's Who in Hell.Barricade Books.

ISBN 1-56980-158-4 .

"I would describe myself as an enthusiastic agnostic who would be happy to be shown that there is a God."

? S� para provocar - Entrevista com C�ssia Eller .

Revista Marie Claire.

Acesso$5 minimum deposit online casino06/08/2016.

"- Marie Claire: Voc� � religiosa? - C�ssia Eller: Eu j� quis ser freira.

Fui muito religiosa at� uns 17 anos.

Ia � missa, ajudava na par�quia, j� cantei$5 minimum deposit online casinomissa, sabia os hinos de cor.

Mas depois virei at�ia total.

N�o rezo mais, h� muitos anos."

? V�deo "Americans Pray, A LOT, But What For & Does It Work? [Survey]", dispon�vel no YouTube.

Aos 4:24: "Don't get me wrong, I might be atheist/agnostic etc.

, but that 37% are probably terrific people."

? V�deo "Cenk Uygur On Sam Harris, Islam & New Atheism", dispon�vel no YouTube.

Aos 10:20: "I'm a more hardcore atheist in that sense than they are."? Andrea Rondini.(2001).

Cosa da pazzi: Cesare Lombroso e la letteratura.

Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali.p.33.

? "Bodies that Tell": Physiognomy, Criminology, Race and Gender in Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-century Italian Literature and Opera, ProQuest, 2009, p.5.

? Baudelaire , Jean-Paul Sartre.

New Directions Publishing, 1950, p.58

? "For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered.

But for those of us who can't readily accept the God formula, the big answers don't remain stone-written.

We adjust to new conditions and discoveries.We are pliable.

Love need not be a command or faith a dictum.I am my own God.

We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state and our education system.

We are here to drink beer.

We are here to kill war.

We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.

"--Charles Bukowski, LIFE , dezembro de 1988, citado de James A.

Haught, ed, 2000 Years of Disbelief.

? Charles Chaplin, Jr.

My Father, Charlie Chaplin, pp.239�240.

""I'm not an atheist", I can remember him saying on more than one occasion.

"I'm definitely an agnostic.

Some scientists say that if the world were to stop revolving we'd all disintegrate.

But the world keeps on going.

Something must be holding us all in place--some Supreme Force.

But what it is I couldn't tell you.""

? Chaplin, Charles (2003) [1964].My Autobiography.

London: Penguin Classics, p.287.

"I am not religious in the dogmatic sense ...

I neither believe nor disbelieve in anything ...

My faith is in the unknown, in all that we do not understand by reason; I believe that ...

in the realm of the unknown there is an infinite power for good."? "(...

) um agn�stico seria a descri��o mais correta de meu estado de esp�rito.

" - Em uma carta a John Fordyce , 1879.

? The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, volume I, cap�tulo VIII: "Religi�o", p�gina 313 "N�o posso fingir saber sobre esses problemas abstrusos.

O mist�rio do come�o de todas as coisas � insol�vel por n�s; e eu, pessoalmente, contento-me$5 minimum deposit online casinopermanecer um agn�stico." -

? "I am so sorry to hear of Asher's passing.

I will miss his scientific insight and advice, but even more his humor and stuborn integrity.

I remember when one of his colleagues complained about Asher's always rejecting his manuscript when they were sent to him to referee.

Asher said in effect, "You should thank me.

I am only trying to protect your reputation.

" He often pretended to consult me, a fellow atheist, on matters of religious protocol.

As we waited in line to eat the hors d'oeuvres at a conference in Evanston, he said, "There is a prayer Jews traditionally say when they do something new that they have never done before.

I am about to eat a new kind of non-Kosher food.

Do you think I should say the prayer?" My wife and grown children, who are visiting us this new year, and remember Asher from when we all lived in Cambridge 20 years ago, join me in sending you our condolences for this sudden loss of an irrepressible and irreplaceable person.

Please convey our feelings especially to your mother at this difficult time." Charles H.

Bennett's letter written to the family of Israeli physicist, Asher Peres, A selection of the many letters of condolence sent to the Peres family during January 2005 Arquivado$5 minimum deposit online casino26 de novembro de 2011, no Wayback Machine ..

? Chico Buarque, na Brazuca: "Podendo, vou at� os 95" .

"Eu n�o tenho cren�a.

Eu fui criado na Igreja Cat�lica, fui educado$5 minimum deposit online casinocol�gio de padre.

Eu simplesmente perdi a f�.

Mas n�o fa�o disso uma bandeira.

Eu sou ateu como o meu tipo sangu�neo � esse."

? Tom Siegfried (28 de junho de 2013).

�When the atom went quantum - Bohr's revolutionary atomic theory turns 100�.

Society for Science & the Public 2000 .

As for standard religion, though, Bohr was unsympathetic.

His mother was a nonpracticing Jew, his father an atheist Lutheran.

? "Considero a religi�o como um brinquedo infantil, e acho que o �nico pecado � a ignor�ncia".

Trecho de$5 minimum deposit online casinope�a O Judeu de Malta , de 1589 ou 1590.? John G.Simmons (2002).

Doctors and Discoveries: Lives That Created Today's Medicine.

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.p.17.

ISBN 978-0-618-15276-6 .

"Upon his death on February 10, 1878, Bernard received a state funeral - the first French scientist to be so honored.

The procession ended at Pere Lachaise cemetery, and Gustave Flaubert described it later with a touch of irony as 'religious and very beautiful'.

Bernard was an agnostic."

a b c Talks of Napoleon at St.

Helena with General Baron Gourgaud (1904), p�gina 274.

Napoleon replies: "How comes it, then, that Laplace was an atheist? At the Institute neither he nor Monge , nor Berthollet , nor Lagrange believed in God.

But they did not like to say so.

" Baron Gaspard Gourgaud,(1904), p�gina 274.

? ""Personally, I've never been confronted with the question of God," says one such politely indifferent atheist, Dr.

Claude L�vi-Strauss, professor of social anthropology at the Coll�ge de France.

" Theology: Toward a Hidden God , Time.com.

? "Much closer to Monet's own atheism and pessimism is Schopenhauer, already introduced to the impressionist circle in the criticism of Theodore Duret in the 1870s and whose influence in France was at its peak in 1886, the year of The World as Will and Idea." Steven Z.

Levine, Claude Monet, Monet, Narcissus, and self-reflection: the modernist myth of the self (1994), p�gina 66.

? "Then Monet took the end of his brush and drew some long straight strokes in the wet pigment across her chest.

It's not clear, and probably not consciously intended by the atheist Claude Monet, but somehow the suggestion of a Cross lies there on her body.

" Ruth Butler, Hidden in the shadow of the master: the model-wives of C�zanne, Monet, and Rodin (2008), p�gina 202.

? "Shannon described himself as an atheist and was outwardly apolitical.

" William Poundstone, Fortune's Formula, Hill and Wang: New York (2005), page 18.

? Wolfram Eberhard (1986).

A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols: Hidden Symbols in Chinese Life and Thought.Psychology Press.p.82.

ISBN 9780415002288 .

"Confucius was an agnostic, but he did not deny the existence of supernatural beings."

? John Hersey (1986).The call.Penguin Books.p.208.

ISBN 9780140086959 .

"The second, Confucius, was a humanist, an agnostic, and a supreme realist."

? Lee Dian Rainey (2010).

Confucius & Confucianism: The Essentials.John Wiley & Sons.p.62.

ISBN 9781405188418 .

"Others have read what Confucius said about ritual and the supernatural and concluded that Confucius was an agnostic and not at all interested in the religious side of life."

? V�deo "Are You a Humanist? What is Humanism? Corliss Lamont", dispon�vel no YouTube.

Aos 38 segundos: "We have no proof of the existence of any supernatural, such as God or immortality (...

) the belief in the supernatural is based on false reasoning and can't do you any good (...)"

? [ desambigua��o necess�ria ]' Sixty Minutes, 21 November 2010: "Do you believe in God?" Venter replied, "No.

The universe is far more wonderful.

" Steve Kroft asked Venter on CBS , 21 November 2010: "Do you believe in God?" Venter replied, "No.

The universe is far more wonderful."

? �Minister Turned Atheist� .

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? "Echte Helden sind sch�chtern" - Interview with Daniel Craig.

Zeit Online, 12 de janeiro de 2012.

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"ZEIT: In Verblendung gibt es, wie schon in anderen Filmen von David Fincher, Bez�ge zur Bibel.

Sind Sie gl�ubig? Craig: Ich bin Atheist.

" , 12 de janeiro de 2012.

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"ZEIT: In Verblendung gibt es, wie schon in anderen Filmen von David Fincher, Bez�ge zur Bibel.

Sind Sie gl�ubig? Craig: Ich bin Atheist."

? Ap�s trabalho com �ndios no Amazonas, mission�rio evang�lico vira cientista ateu .Folha de S.Paulo.

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"O americano Daniel Everett, 55, negou Deus por duas vezes.

Primeiro o Deus literal, crist�o, cuja inexist�ncia declarou depois de conviver por d�cadas com os �ndios pirah�s, do Amazonas, com o prop�sito inicial --frustrado-- de traduzir a B�blia para a$5 minimum deposit online casinol�ngua."

? V�deo "Paulo Freire fala de Socialismo e Teologia da Liberta��o", dispon�vel no YouTube.

Em 1:02: "Poucos dias antes de Darcy Ribeiro morrer, eu ouvi uma linda entrevista dele, que deve ter sido uma das �ltimas que ele deu,$5 minimum deposit online casinoque ele falava dessa quest�o da...

dessa "passagem", e ele dizia com muita seriedade, com muita amorosidade - que isso foi sempre o que ele foi, um homem s�rio e um homem amoroso, indiscutivelmente, e...

um homem corajoso, um homem que lidou com a [inintelig�vel] de maneira po�tica, inclusive - e ele dizia 'olha, se a quest�o da f� passasse mesmo pela raz�o cr�tica, eu at� que teria f�'.

Eu ri, ele rindo, amoroso, e dizia 'Eu fiz tudo, mas n�o deu'.

No fundo, ele diz com palavras que eu n�o sei repetir agora, mas ele disse por exemplo 'eu n�o sou mais do que o meu cad�ver, quer dizer, quando eu morro eu sou um monte de coisas que se desfazem'."

? Dario Fo, Il paese dei mezar�t, Feltrinelli, Milano, 2004.? Tariq Ali (2003).

The Clash of Fundamentalisms: Crusades, Jihads and Modernity (2 ed.).Verso.p.10.

ISBN 9781859844571 .

"Ben-Gurion and Moshe Dayan were self-proclaimed atheists."

? Giulio Meotti (2011).

A New Shoah: The Untold Story of Israel's Victims of Terrorism.ReadHowYouWant.com.p.147.

ISBN 9781459617414 .

"Even atheist and socialist Israelis like David Ben-Gurion, Moshe Dayan, and Golda Meir were marked by the stories and legends of King David and the prophets.

In other words, their lives had been shaped by Hebron."

? David Ben-Gurion: For the Love of Zion .Vision.

Consultado$5 minimum deposit online casino01/10/2017.

"By his own admission Ben-Gurion was irreligious, even atheistic as a youth.

Even in his later years he demonstrated no great sympathy for the elements of traditional Judaism, though he quoted the Bible extensively in his speeches and writings-more than any other Jewish politician then or since."

? DeCurtis, Anthony (5 May 2005).

In Other Words: Artists Talk About Life And Work.

Hal Leonard Corporation.pp.262�263.

? "First of all, I do not believe in the supernatural, so I take it for granted that consciousness has a material explanation.

I also do not believe in insoluble problems, therefore I believe that this explanation is accessible in principle to reason, and that one day we will understand consciousness just as we today understand what life is, whereas once this was a deep mystery.

" David Deutsch in an interview with Philosophy Now magazine, Philosophy Now, December/January 2001 issue.

? Constance Reid (1996).Hilbert (2 ed.).Springer.p.92.

ISBN 9780387946740 .

Perhaps the guests would be discussing Galileo's trial and someone would blame Galileo for failing to stand up for his convictions.

"But he was not an idiot," Hilbert would object.

"Only an idiot could believe that scientific truth needs martyrdom - that may be necessary in religion, but scientific results prove themselves in time."

? "Mathematics is a presuppositionless science.

To found it I do not need God, as does Kronecker, or the assumption of a special faculty of our understanding attuned to the principle of mathematical induction, as does Poincar�, or the primal intuition of Brouwer, or, finally, as do Russell and Whitehead, axioms of infinity, reducibility, or completeness, which in fact are actual, contentual assumptions that cannot be compensated for by consistency proofs.

" David Hilbert, Die Grundlagen der Mathematik, Hilbert's program, 22C:096, University of Iowa.

? "Also, when someone blamed Galileo for not standing up for his convictions Hilbert became quite irate and said, "But he was not an idiot.

Only an idiot could believe that scientific truth needs martyrdom; that may be necessary in religion, but scientific results prove themselves in due time." Anton Z.

Capri, Quips, quotes, and quanta: an anecdotal history of physics (2007), page 135.

? "The principles of Hume's philosophy implied that the question of God's existence cannot be settled definitively either way, so he was in one sense an agnostic.

However, since he does not seem to have entertained any belief in God, it is probably also fair to call him an atheist-just not a campaigning one.

" Anthony Gottlieb, "Who Was David Hume?" (resenha de James A.

Harris, Hume: an Intellectual Biography, Cambridge University Press, 621 pp.

, "the first intellectual biography of Hume"), The New York Review of Books, vol.

LXIII, n� 9 (6 de maio de 2016), p.

70 (resenha completa: pp.68, 70�71).

a b Ana Marta Gonz�lez, ed.(2012).

Contemporary Perspectives on Natural Law: Natural Law As a Limiting Concept.

Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.p.81.

ISBN 9781409485667 .

"In sum, with Hume's agnosticism and Bentham's atheism, the fundamental voluntarist thesis about the gulf between the divine and the human mind reaches new depths, and this serves to reinforce and radicalize the rejection, begun by Pufendorf, of Grotian rights-theory as the appropriate means of formulating the conventionalist theory of the moral life."

? "Hume did not believe in the God of standard theism ...

but he did not rule out all concepts of deity".

O'Connor, David (2013).

Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Hume on Religion.

Routledge Philosophy GuideBooks.Routledge, p.11.ISBN 9781134634095

? David Starkey: Do gays need to call each other Mr and Mrs? .The Telegraph.

"As an atheist gay who regards marriage as part of the baggage of heterosexual society which I have come to respect but can never fully share, I am tempted to say a plague on both your houses."

? Suzuki, David (1987).

Metamorphosis: States in a Life.[S.l.]: Stoddart.

ISBN 978-0-7737-2139-5.

As a life-long atheist, I have dreaded, not the process of dying, but the terrible consequence of not being forever after.

? Deborah Evelyn, f� das megeras .Estad�o.

Acesso$5 minimum deposit online casino14/07/2016.

"- Voc� acredita$5 minimum deposit online casinoreencarna��o? Tem alguma religi�o? - Infelizmente, n�o.

Acho que � uma coisa que ajuda, mas n�o tenho.

F� � uma coisa que ou voc� tem ou n�o tem.E eu nasci sem f�.

- N�o acredita nem$5 minimum deposit online casinoDeus? - N�o.

Como ser� esse Deus? Vou adorar se existir.

Vai ser uma surpresa boa encontrar as pessoas queridas que j� perdi."

? G1 (19 de Julho de 2008).

�Morre Dercy Gon�alves aos 101 anos� (em portugu�s) .

Ela n�o se dizia religiosa, mas acreditava na natureza.

"N�o acredito$5 minimum deposit online casinosanto nenhum.

Minha religi�o � a natureza.Deus � um apelido.

Ele pra mim n�o existe.

O que existe � a natureza.

Deus � fantasma, mas a natureza � a verdade."

? de Solla Price, Mark (9 de dezembro de 2007).�Are you Jewish?� .

Arquivado do original$5 minimum deposit online casino30 de abril de 2008 "...

my father [Derek] was a British Atheist...

from a rather well known Sephardic Jewish family..."

? "[Religion] is not an easy subject to deal with, but as zoologists we must do our best to observe what actually happens rather than listen to what is supposed to be happening.

If we do this, we are forced to the conclusion that, in a behavioural sense, religious activities consist of the coming together of large groups of people to perform repeated and prolonged submissive displays to appease a dominant individual.

The dominant individual takes many forms in different cultures, but always has the common factor of immense power.[...

] If these submissive actions are successful, the dominant individual is appeased.[...

] The dominant individual is usually, but not always, referred to as a god.

Since none of these gods exist in a tangible form, why have they been invented? To find the answer to this we have to go right back to our ancestral origins.

" Desmond Morris, The Naked Ape, p.

178-179, Jonathan Cape, 1967.

? "Man's evolution as a neotenous ape has put him in a similar position to the dog's.

He becomes sexually mature and yet he still needs a parent - a super-parent, one as impressive to him as a man must be to a dog.

The answer was to invent a god - either a female super-parent in the shape of a Mother Goddess, or a male god in the shape of God the Father, or perhaps even a whole family of gods.

Like real parents they would both protect, punish and be obeyed.[...

] These - the houses of the gods - the temples, the churches and the cathedrals - are buildings apparently made for giants, and a space visitor would be surprised to find on closer examination that these giants are never at home.

Their followers repeatedly visit them and bow down before them, but they themselves are invisible.

Only their bell-like cries can be heard across the land.

Man is indeed an imaginative species.

" Desmond Morris, The Pocket Guide to Manwatching, p.

234-236 Triad Paperbacks, 1982.? Joan Juliet Buck.

"Inside Diane Keaton" - Revista Vanity Fair, Mar�o de 1987.

? Philip Stein, Siqueiros: His Life and Works (International Publishers Co, 1994), ISBN 0-7178-0706-1 , p.176.

"I am an atheist and I consider religions to be a form of collective neurosis.

I am not an enemy of the Catholics, as I am not an enemy of the tuberculars, the myopic or the paralytics; you cannot be an enemy of the sick, only their good friend in order to help them cure themselves."

? Dick Cavett (7 de Fevereiro de 2007)."Ghost Stories".

The New York Times Company.

"I'm not an atheist exactly, but remain what you might call "suggestible.

" (Is there a category of almost-atheist? A person who does not have the courage of his nonconvictions? I guess Woody Allen has, as so often, had the ultimate comic word on the subject.

"You cannot prove the nonexistence of God; you just have to take it on faith.")"

? V�deo "Dilma acredita$5 minimum deposit online casinoDeus? [2007] "Ser� que h�?"", dispon�vel no Youtube.

"- A senhora acredita$5 minimum deposit online casinoDeus, ou � religiosa ? - (...

) Eu fiquei durante muito tempo, assim...

meio descrente, muito descrente.

Agora, eu acredito que as diferentes religiosidades s�o fundamentais pras pessoas viver (sic); h� diferentes, eu n�o acho que a gente pode achar que s� existe aquele seu deus, entende ? Eu acho que voc� tem de ter assim uma abertura pra contemplar todas as possibilidades.(...

) - A senhora falou das pessoas, mas e a senhora ? - Eu me equilibro nessa quest�o: 'ser� que h�, ser� que n�o h� ?' Eu me equilibro nela."

? 'Restart faz Fresno parecer Dostoievski', diz Dinho Ouro Preto .G1.

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) diz que conseguiu transformar o "azedo" acidente$5 minimum deposit online casinoalgo "mais doce" ao aproveitar o tempo para revisar as letras de "Das Kapital", mas que n�o sentiu nenhuma revela��o espiritual com o acontecido.

"Eu n�o sou religioso, meu pai � ateu, eu sou agn�stico.

Eu n�o tive essa coisa c�smica, de ficar grato.

� muito dif�cil transformar isso$5 minimum deposit online casinoum sentimento de gratid�o.

P�, meu acidente foi uma m...

! Eu tenho dificuldade de extrair algo de positivo disso.""

? Diogo Mainardi escreve livro sobre paralisia cerebral do filho .Folha de S.Paulo.

Acesso$5 minimum deposit online casino06/08/2016.

"Apesar de se dizer ateu, uma das poucas pe�as de decora��o de$5 minimum deposit online casinosala � um orat�rio de madeira com a imagem de S�o Francisco.

"� brasileiro, presente de minha m�e.""

? V�deo "Diogo Mainardi ex-colunista da Veja fala que � Ateu mas acredita na Igreja.

� um trouxa!", dispon�vel no YouTube.

"Embora eu seja ateu e diga pra eles que n�o � pra acreditar$5 minimum deposit online casinoDeus."

? 'Sade, Marquis de.

' Encyclop�dia Britannica, 2008.

Encyclop�dia Britannica Online (acesso$5 minimum deposit online casino1 de Agosto de 2008).

? Atheists vs Dawkins .The Spectator.

9 de Fevereiro de 2013.

"While an atheist myself...".

? Caio Prado J�nior: o sentido da revolu��o , Lincoln Secco, Boitempo Editorial, p.59."(...

) na ocasi�o da morte do velho militante anarquista Edgard Leuenroth, foi Caio Prado J�nior quem impediu que o esquife fosse levado � capela do cemit�rio de Campo Grande (...

) Afinal, o falecido era ateu."

? "It can hardly have been due to any reluctance on Newton's part to becoming too closely involved with Halley, the well-known atheist.

" Derek Gjertsen, The Newton Handbook (1986), page 250.

? O Livro dos Abra�os .Eduardo Galeano.L&PM, 1991, p.50.

"O catecismo me ensinou, na inf�ncia, a fazer o bem por interesse e a n�o fazer o mal por medo.

Deus me oferecia castigos e recompensas, me amea�ava com o inferno e me prometia o c�u; e eu temia e acreditava.

Passaram-se os anos.

Eu j� n�o temo nem creio."

? Edvard Munch, Arne Eggum (1978).

Edvard Munch: symbols & images, Volume 1978, Part 2.

National Gallery of Art.p.237.

"But Munch was not completely averse to every form of religion; one might rather say that throughout his life he remained a thoughtful agnostic."

? "In religious matters he was an atheist." A.G.

MacGregor: "Bailey, Edward Battersby", Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography Vol.1 p.393.

Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008.? Gale E.

Christianson (1996).

Edwin Hubble: Mariner of the Nebulae.

University of Chicago Press.p.183.

ISBN 9780226105215 .

One morning, while driving north with Grace after the failed eclipse expedition of 1923, he broached Whitehead's idea of a God who might have chosen from a great many possibilities to make a different universe, but He made this one.

By contemplating the universe, one might approximate some idea of its Creator.

As time passed, however, he seemed even less certain: "We do not know why we are born into the world, but we can try to find out what sort of a world it is - at least in its physical aspects.

" His life was dedicated to science and the objective world of phenomena.

The world of pure values is one which science cannot enter, and science is unconcerned with the transcendent, however compelling a private revelation or individual moment of ecstasy.

He pulled no punches when a deeply depressed friend asked him about his belief: "The whole thing is so much bigger than I am, and I can't understand it, so I just trust myself to it; and forget about it."? Tom Bezzi (2000).Hubble Time.iUniverse.p.93.

ISBN 9780595142477 .

John terribly depressed, and asked Edwin about his belief.

Edwin said, "The whole thing is so much bigger than I am, and I can't understand it, so I just trust myself to it, and forget about it.

" It was not his nature to speculate.

Theories, in his opinion, were appropriate cocktail conversation.

He was essentially an observer, and as he said in The Realm (J the Nebulae: "Not until the empirical resources are exhausted, need we pass on to the dreamy realms of speculation.

" Edwin never exhausted those empirical resources.

"I am an observer, not a theoretical man," he attested, and a lightly spoken word in a lecture or in a letter showed that observation was his choice.

? Michel Meulders (2010).

�5: Helmholtz and the Understanding of Nature�.In: Laurence Garey.

Helmholtz: From Enlightenment to Neuroscience.[S.l.]: MIT Press.p.74.ISBN 9780262014489.

Du Bois-Reymond was a self-proclaimed atheist but more through intimate conviction than logical necessity.

? "Shortly after his traditional Jewish confirmation at the age of thirteen, Durkheim, under the influence of a Catholic woman teacher, had a shortlived mystical experience that led to an interest in Catholicism.

But soon afterwards he turned away from all religious involvement, though emphatically not from interest in religious phenomena, and became an agnostic.

" Masters of Sociological Thought: Ideas in Historical and Social Context, 2nd Ed.

, Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1977: 143-144

? Evenhuis, Anthony (1998).

Messiah Or Antichrist?: A Study of the Messianic Myth in the Work of Zola.

University of Delaware Press.

ISBN 978-0-87413-634-0 .

"Given �mile Zola's reputation as an agnostic and a radical thinker, he has often been avoided by scholars with a religious background."

? David Klinghoffer.

� ' Darwin Would Put God Out of Business ' �.Beliefnet, Inc .

The author is Emile Zuckerkandl of Stanford University.Prof.

Zuckerkandl ferociously attacks ID and any belief in a designer, God, or other "superghost".

? Emma Thompson: "Sou ateia porque a religi�o oprime as mulheres" .El Pa�s.

Acesso$5 minimum deposit online casino26/11/2018."...

� imposs�vel eu sentir simpatia ou f�$5 minimum deposit online casinoqualquer institui��o que sistematicamente oprime as mulheres.Por isso sou ateia.

Porque a religi�o tem uma longa hist�ria de opress�o � mulher."

? Warren Allen Smith (2000).

Who's who in hell: a handbook and international directory for humanists, freethinkers, naturalists, rationalists, and non-theists.Barricade Books.p.339.

ISBN 9781569801581 .

He explicitly denied anthropomorphic deity: "None of the gods has formed the world, nor has any man; it has always been."

? Orlando Jay Smith (1902).

Eternalism: a theory of infinite justice.

Houghton, Mifflin and company.

Empedocles: None of the gods has formed the world, nor has any man; it has always been.? E.J.

Brill's First Encyclopaedia of Islam 1913-1936, BRILL, 1987, p.93.

? Atheism in France, 1650-1729: Volume I: The Orthodox Sources of Disbelief, Volume 1, Alan Charles Kors, Princeton University Press, 2014, p.191.

? "Enrico Fermi's attitude to the church eventually became one of indifference, and he remained an agnostic all his adult life.

" Emilio Segre, Enrico Fermi: Physicist (1995), page 5.? Here Lies, 208).

A confirmed atheist, he heard himself saying, 'Into thy hands I commend my spirit.

' " Michael Barber: 'Ambler, Eric Clifford (1909�1998)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, September 2004; online edition, January 2007 "Once, filming in Italy with the American director John Huston and a US army crew, Ambler and his colleagues were shelled so fiercely that his unconscious 'played a nasty trick on him' (Ambler,, 208).

A confirmed atheist, he heard himself saying, 'Into thy hands I commend my spirit.

' " Michael Barber: 'Ambler, Eric Clifford (1909�1998)',, Oxford University Press, September 2004; online edition, January 2007 [7] (accessed April 29, 2008).

? Site oficial de The Alan Parsons Project .

Acesso$5 minimum deposit online casino05/06/2017.

Se��o de mem�rias do �lbum: "the album is really about belief systems, either political or religious without being in any way judgmental or preaching as Eric is a confirmed, but respectful atheist."

? American National Biography Online, Feb.

2000 (accessed April 28, 2008) "About the same time he stopped observing Jewish religious rituals and rejected a cause he had once embraced, Zionism.

He "just didn't want to participate in any division of the human race, whether religious or political," he explained decades later (Wershba, p.

12), by which time he was a confirmed atheist.

" Keay Davidson: "Fromm, Erich Pinchas",, Feb.

2000 (accessed April 28, 2008) [8]

? In Bolivia, Push for Che Tourism Follows Locals' Reverence .Common Dreams.

Acesso$5 minimum deposit online casino05/09/2016.

"Ernesto "Che" Guevara, an atheist, has been reborn a saint in the desolate Bolivian village where he was captured and executed nearly 37 years ago."

? A Ditadura Derrotada, Elio Gaspari, p.361 e 362.

"Luterano por h�bito familiar, o general era um agn�stico discreto e anticlerical assumido.

Acreditava quando muito na exist�ncia de uma for�a criadora do universo, a qual, no entanto, seria um ente da f�sica, n�o uma divindade.

Nunca se dirigira ao sobrenatural.

Entendia as religi�es como sacr�rios de princ�pios.

Lembrava-se dos padres de Bento Gon�alves amea�ando com o inferno quem entrasse$5 minimum deposit online casinotemplo protestante, da professora prim�ria ensinando que a Santa Madre era a Igreja "�nica e verdadeira".

Em condi��es normais, Geisel era anticlerical por agn�stico.

Com uma Igreja na oposi��o, �$5 minimum deposit online casinoesquerda, por convic��o."? R.S.Cohen; Raymond J.Seeger (1975).

Ernst Mach, Physicist and Philosopher.[S.l.]: Springer.p.158.

ISBN 978-90-277-0016-2.

And Mach, in personal conviction, was a socialist and an atheist.

? Gregory Scott Charak (2007).

Between Soul and Precision: Ernst Mach's Biological Empiricism and the Social Democratic Philosophy of Science.[S.l.]: ProQuest.p.94.ISBN 9780549129738.

Both make explicit claims against the pseudo-problems generated by materialism, and although Mach the atheist would have no gripe with "irreligion" per se, as a pacifist and a socialist he was indeed an ardent proponent of "peace.

? Helge Kragh (2004).

Matter And Spirit In The Universe: Scientific And Religious Preludes To Modern Cosmology.[S.l.]: OECD Publishing.p.55.ISBN 9781860944697.

The Austrian positivist physicist and philosopher Ernst Mach was nominally a Catholic, but in reality he was an atheist and strongly opposed to Christian doctrines.? Walter J.Moore (1994).

A Life of Erwin Schr�dinger.[S.l.

]: Cambridge University Press.pp.289�290.ISBN 9780521469340.

In one respect, however, he is not a romantic: he does not idealize the person of the beloved, his highest praise is to consider her his equal.

"When you feel your own equal in the body of a beautiful woman, just as ready to forget the world for you as you for her - oh my good Lord - who can describe what happiness then.

You can live it, now and again - you cannot speak of it.

" Of course, he does speak of it, and almost always with religious imagery.

Yet at this time he also wrote, "By the way, I never realized that to be nonbelieving, to be an atheist, was a thing to be proud of.

It went without saying as it were.

" And in another place at about this same time: "Our creed is indeed a queer creed.

You others, Christians (and similar people), consider our ethics much inferior, indeed abominable.

There is that little difference.

We adhere to ours in practice, you don't.

" Whatever problems they may have had in their love affair, the pangs of conscience were not among them.

Sheila was as much an unbeliever as Erwin, but in a less complex, more realistic way.

She was never entirely convinced by his vedantic theology.? Andrea Diem-Lane.Spooky Physics.[S.l.

]: MSAC Philosophy Group.p.42.ISBN 9781565430808.

In terms of religion, Schrodinger fits in the atheist camp.

He even lost a marriage proposal to his love, Felicie Krauss, not only due to his social status but his lack of religious affiliation.

He was known as a freethinker who did not believe in god.

But interestingly Schrodinger had a deep connection to Hinduism, Buddhism, and Eastern philosophy in general.

Erwin studied numerous books on Eastern thought as well as the Hindu scriptures.

He was enthralled with Vedanta thought and connected ideas of oneness and unity of mind with his research on quantum physics, specifically wave mechanics.

? Moore, Walter (1994).

A Life of Erwin Schr�dinger.[S.l.

]: Cambridge University Press.

ISBN 978-0-521-46934-0.

Schopenhauer often called himself an atheist, as did Schrodinger, and if Buddhism and Vedanta can be truly described as atheistic religions, both the philosopher and his scientific disciple were indeed atheists.

They both rejected the idea of a "personal God," and Schopenhauer thought that "pantheism is only a euphemism for atheism."

? Moore, Walter (1989).

Schr�dinger: Life and Thought.[S.l.: s.n.

] ISBN 0-521-43767-9.

He rejected traditional religious beliefs (Jewish, Christian, and Islamic) not on the basis of any reasoned argument, nor even with an expression of emotional antipathy, for he loved to use religious expressions and metaphors, but simply by saying that they are naive.? Walter J.Moore (1992).

Schr�dinger: Life and Thought.[S.l.

]: Cambridge University Press.p.4.ISBN 9780521437677.

He claimed to be an atheist, but he always used religious symbolism and believed his scientific work was an approach to the godhead.

? �Erwin Schrodinger� (PDF) .

Arquivado do original (PDF)$5 minimum deposit online casino3 de maio de 2014.

He claimed to be an atheist, but he used religious symbolism and believed that his scientific work was 'an approach to God'.

? Publishing, Rh (1995).Eug�ne Delacroix.Gramercy Books.p.28.

ISBN 978-0-517-12403-1 .

"Although he was an essentially atheist painter, Delacroix managed to endow the sacred subjects with a profound sense of religion that sprung from his sincere love for all aspects of life, even the most elusive and mysterious."

? "O'Neill, an agnostic and an anarchist, maintained little hope in religion or politics and saw institutions not serving to preserve liberty but standing in the way of the birth of true freedom." John P.

Diggins, Eugene O'Neill's America: desire under democracy (2007), page 130.

? Eugene Paul Wigner, Andrew Szanton (1992).Andrew Szanton, ed.

The Recollections of Eugene P.

Wigner As Told to Andrew Szanton.[S.l.]: Basic Books.pp.60�61.ISBN 9780306443268.

Neither did I want to be a clergyman.

I liked a good sermon.

But religion tells people how to behave and that I could never do.

Clergymen also had to assume and advocate the presence of God, and proofs of God's existence seemed to me quite unsatisfactory.

People claimed that He had made our earth.

Well, how had He made it? With an earth-making machine? Someone once asked Saint Augustine, "What did the Lord do before he created the world?" And Saint Augustine is said to have answered, "He created Hell for people who ask such questions.

" A retort perhaps made in jest, but I knew of none better.

I saw that I could not know anything of God directly, that His presence was a matter of belief, I did not have that belief, and preaching without belief is repulsive.

So I could not be a clergyman, however many people might gain salvation.

And my parents never pressed the point.

? 'No Brasil n�o h� bons roteiristas', diz F�bio Porchat .Estad�o.

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"- Estad�o: Voc�s usam muitas refer�ncias b�blicas.

Qual dos roteiristas tem esse conhecimento? - Porchat: Eu.

Talvez porque seja ateu...

Eu escrevi agora um com No�, um com Abra�o e um com Jos� e Maria.

E olha que eu s� li alguns trechos, mas leio a B�blia com muita curiosidade.

- Estad�o: Sua fam�lia � religiosa? - Porchat: N�o, nem um pouco.

Acho muito curioso uma pessoa ser religiosa, fico muito impressionado.

Mas acho que o comediante tem de estar antenado$5 minimum deposit online casinotudo.

Tudo � material para uma piada."

? Mar�lia Gabriela Entrevista - F�bio Porchat .GNT Play.

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Aos 33 minutos: "-Mar�lia Gabriela: Voc� � um crente? - F�bio Porchat: N�o! Ao contr�rio, eu sou um descrente total.

- Mar�lia Gabriela: Mas voc� adora a religi�o por qu�? - F�bio Porchat: Porque eu acho t�o surreal a religi�o.

Eu acho t�o surreal uma pessoa acreditar numa coisa que ela n�o v�! E inclusive matar gente por conta disso...

brigar com pessoas: "Por que �?!" - "Porque sim! Porque eu acredito!" ....

Eu acho t�o louco isso, porque da� voc� fala: "Ent�o t� bom, eu acredito num P�nei Azul!!!""

? V�deo "Fernado Henrique Cardoso se diz agn�stico no programa Manhattan Conection na globo news", dispon�vel no YouTube.

Aos 16 segundos: "Eu diria que eu sou agn�stico, ou seja, eu n�o vou dizer que existe ou n�o existe."

? Fernando Pessoa e o Quinto Imp�rio: Uma obra de Afonso Rocha .

"Afirmando-se sequaz do que denominava �agnosticismo transcendentalista�, Pessoa pensava que, porque � sin�nimo de Ser ou de Absoluto, a Verdade absoluta n�o pode ser conhecida nem afirmada racionalmente.

Da� que Deus n�o pudesse ser integral e plenamente conhecido por via racional, dado n�o ser um pensamento mas uma realidade da ordem do invis�vel ou do mist�rio"

? Obra Po�tica e$5 minimum deposit online casinoProsa, vol.3, org.

Ant�nio Quadros e Dalila Pereira da Costa, Porto: Lello & Irm�o, 1986, p.1428.

? V�deo " Ferreira Gullar - 28/02/2011 ", dispon�vel no YouTube.

Aos 46:46: "o homem inventou Deus para que este o criasse."

? "Aside from his undisputed powers as composer, pianist and man of letters, Busoni was an enterprising (if sometimes erratic) conductor, a passionate bibliophile, a talented draughtsman and a bon vivant.

Baptized into the Catholic church, he was at heart an atheist; a lucid commentator on world affairs, he remained politically uncommitted.

" Beaumont, Anthony: 'Busoni, Ferruccio (Dante Michelangelo Benvenuto)', Grove Music Online ed.L.

Macy (accessed April 28, 2008)

? What Mad Pursuit: a Personal View of Scientific Discovery, Basic Books reprint edition, 1990, Francis Crick,, Basic Books reprint edition, 1990, ISBN 0-465-09138-5 , p.145.

? "Instead, it is interlaced with descriptions of Crick's vacations, parties and assertions of atheism - occasionally colorful stuff that drains the intellectual drama from the codebreaking." Genome Human

? "There is Crick the mentor, Crick the atheist, Crick the free-thinker, and Crick the playful." Dr Crick

? "The publication of Darwin's ''Origin of Species'' totally transformed his intellectual life, giving him a sense of evolutionary process without which much of his later work would have been unimaginable.

Galton became a ''religious agnostic'', recognising the social value of religion but not its transcendental basis.

" Robert Peel, Sir Francis Galton FRS (1822-1911) - The Legacy of His Ideas -.

? "After retirement, he remained politically active, defending Andrei Sakharov, and was President of the French Atheists' Union.

" D S Bell, 'Obituary: Francis Perrin', The Independent (London), July 18, 1992, Pg.44.

? V�deo "� poss�vel acreditar$5 minimum deposit online casinoDeus e na ci�ncia? | Papo R�pido | Papo de Segunda", dispon�vel no YouTube.

Aos 9:45: "eu, por exemplo, sou agn�stico".

? "The same Arago who spent his time criticizing unfounded myths now peddled them.

Arago the atheist now spoke of souls.

" Theresa Levitt, The shadow of enlightenment: optical and political transparency in France, 1789-1848, page 105.

? Thomas Steven Molnar (1980).

Theists and Atheists: A Typology of Non-belief.[S.l.

]: Walter de Gruyter.p.59.ISBN 9789027977885.

The biologist Francois Jacob (who shared the Nobel Prize with Jacques Monod) admits that he is an atheist, but he finds, parallel to the material nature of the universe, another aspect - in man - which is not reductible to the first.

? Eric Michael Mazur (2011).

Encyclopedia of Religion and Film.ABC-CLIO.p.438.

ISBN 9780313330728 .

"Yet Truffaut, an atheist, was not stumping for God with these conservative attacks."

? David Sterritt (1999).

The Films of Jean-Luc Godard: Seeing the Invisible.

Cambridge University Press.p.17.

ISBN 9780521589710 .

"One way of understanding Godard's approach is to contrast it with that of Fran�ois Truffaut, one of his most respected New Wave colleagues.

As a self-described atheist, Truffaut took special pleasure in the materiality of cinema, noting that no photographic image can be obtained without real, physical light making direct contact with a real, physical object in the immediate presence of the camera."

? When describing a total solar eclipse, Close wrote: "It was simultaneously ghastly, beautiful, supernatural.

Even for a 21st century atheist, the vision was such that I thought, "If there is a heaven, this is what its entrance is like.

" The heavenly vision demanded music by Mozart; instead we had the crickets.

" Frank Close, 'Dark side of the moon', The Guardian, August 9, 2001, Guardian Online Pages, Pg.8.? K.C.Cole (2012).

Something Incredibly Wonderful Happens: Frank Oppenheimer and His Astonishing Exploratorium.[S.l.

]: University of Chicago Press.pp.104�105.ISBN 9780226113470.

For the locals, it was as if aliens had landed.

"The normal folks were wearing tight jeans and cowboy hats, and here was a rancher who didn't wear a hat," said Pete Richards, who lived on one of the neighboring ranches at the time.

"He was skinnier than a rail, he was really hyper.

Both he and Jackie swore like sailors.

And they were atheists!".

? Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; edi��o online, Outubro de 2005 (acesso$5 minimum deposit online casino2 de maio de 2008).

"His tolerance and good humour enabled him to disagree strongly without giving or taking offence, for example with his brother Michael Ramsey whose ordination (he went on to become archbishop of Canterbury) Ramsey, as a militant atheist, naturally regretted." D.H.

Mellor, 'Ramsey, Frank Plumpton (1903�1930)' , Oxford University Press, 2004; edi��o online, Outubro de 2005 (acesso$5 minimum deposit online casino2 de maio de 2008).

? John Golley (2010).

Jet: Frank Whittle and the Invention of the Jet Engine.[S.l.]: Eloy Gutierrez.p.34.ISBN 9781907472008.

Although he had occasionally cut Church Parade, he had once held very strong religious beliefs, but these had eroded to such an extent that he had come to regard himself as an atheist.

"By degrees", he said "I was forced to the conclusion that my beliefs were inconsistent with scientific teaching.

Once the seeds of doubt were sown the whole structure of my former religious beliefs rapidly collapsed, and I swung to the other extreme".

? Elizabeth Norman McKay (1996).

Franz Schubert: a biography.Clarendon Press.p.308.

ISBN 978-0-19-816523-1 ."...

quite what he expected: no doubt on account of both his agnosticism and his lack of money or sure prospects..."

? Jane Gregory (2005).

�Fighting for space�.

Fred Hoyle's Universe.[S.l.

]: Oxford University Press.p.143.ISBN 9780191578465.

According to Hoyle: "I am an atheist, but as far as blowing up the world in a nuclear war goes, I tell them not to worry."

? �Ir�ne Joliot-Curie�.

Making the Modern World.17 de mar�o de 1956

? "Raised in a completely nonreligious family, Joliot never attended any church and was a thoroughgoing atheist all his life.

" Perrin, Francis: "Joliot, Fr�d�ric", Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography Vol.7 p.151.

Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008.

? "In the Mass of Life (1904�05) Delius testified to his atheism.

With Cassirer's assistance, he selected the words from Nietzsche's prose-poem Also sprach Zarathustra [...

] In music that touches extreme poles of physical energy and rapt contemplation, Delius celebrates the human 'Will' and the 'Individual', and the 'Eternal Recurrence of Nature'.

" Diana McVeagh, 'Delius, Frederick Theodor Albert (1862�1934)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 (accessed 2 May 2008).

? "Though Hayek was a self-professed agnostic, we show that his treatment of individual liberty was more consistent with a Judeo-Christian worldview than with that of his naturalist peers and postmodernist successors." Kenneth G.Elzinga, Matthew R.

Givens, Christianity and Hayek (2009), page 53.? Alan O.Ebenstein (2003).

Hayek's journey: the mind of Friedrich Hayek.

Palgrave Macmillan Limited.p.224.

ISBN 9781403960382 .

He apparently composed the conclusion of the work on page 140, Hayek's "final word.

" Emphasis on Hayek's agnostic religious views was not as prominent in Hayek's own versions of "The Fatal Conceit".

? A Gaia Ci�ncia, aforismos 108, 125 e 343? GERRISH, B.A.(1984).

A Prince of the Church: Schleiermacher and the Beginnings of Modern Theology.

Filad�lfia, PA: Frotress Press.25 p�ginas.

Faith is the regalia of the Godhead, you say.

Alas! dearest father, if you believe that without this faith no one can attain to salvation in the next world, nor to tranquility in this - and such, I know, is your belief - oh! then pray to God to grant it to me, for to me it is now lost.

I cannot believe that he who called himself the Son of Man was the true, eternal God; I cannot believe that his death was a vicarious atonement.

? Tom Gunning, British Film Institute (2000).

The films of Fritz Lang: allegories of vision and modernity.

British Film Institute.p.7.

ISBN 9780851707426 .

Lang, however, immediately cautions Prokosh, 'Jerry, don't forget, the gods have not created men, man has created the gods.

' This is more than a simple statement of Feuerbach-like humanism or atheism.

? Patrick Mcgilligan (1998).

Fritz Lang: The Nature of the Beast.St.Martin's Press.p.477.

ISBN 9780312194543 .

In the final years of his life, Lang had written, in German, a 20- to 30-page short story called "The Wandering Jew.

" It was "a kind of fable about a Wandering Jew," according to Pierre Rissient.

After Lang's death, Rissient asked Latte [Fritz Lang's third wife] if he might arrange for its publication.

"No," she replied, "because Fritz would want to be known as an atheist."

? Mark Kermode (2013).

Hatchet Job: Love Movies, Hate Critics.Pan Macmillan.pp.25�26.

ISBN 9781447230526 .

The Austrian-born film-maker Fritz Lang once commented that, although he was an atheist, he supported religious education because 'if you do not teach religion, how can you teach ethics?'

? Quarterly Review of Biology 79:196 (2004).

Retrieved July 2, 2007.

"[M�ller] was an atheist...

" Review of M�ller's biography , by James Mallet,79:196 (2004).

Retrieved July 2, 2007.

? Oliver Knill (14 de julho de 1998).

�Supernovae, an alpine climb and space travel.� .

Zwicky has dealt critically with religion during his whole life.

(Source: "Everybody a genius").

In a diary entry of 1971, he writes "To base the unexplainabilty and the immense wonder of nature onto an other miracle God is unnecessary and not acceptable for any serious thinker".

? Swiss-American Historical Society (2006).

Newsletter, Volumes 42-43.[S.l.]: The Society.p.17.

Zwicky has dealt critically with religion during his whole life.

A 1971 diary entry states: "To base the inexplainabilty and the immense wonder of nature upon another miracle, God, is unnecessary and not acceptable for any serious thinker.

" According to one story, Zwicky once discussed the beginning of the universe with a priest.

The priest, quoting Scriptures, stated that the universe had started with "and there is light.

" Zwicky replied that he would buy this, if instead God had said "and there is electronmagnetism".? William C.Lubenow (1998).

The Cambridge Apostles, 1820-1914: Liberalism, Imagination, and Friendship in British Intellectual and Professional Life.

Cambridge University Press.p.405.

ISBN 978-0-521-57213-2 ."G.E.

Moore was another agnostic Apostle.

After an intense religious phase as a boy, Moore came to call himself an infidel..."

? Entrevista com Gabriel Braga Nunes .Alto Astral.

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"Olha, eu aposto que a hist�ria vai ser bonita e envolvente e vai me trazer os elementos necess�rios para eu fazer de forma cr�vel.Mas sou ateu."

? GABRIEL BRAGA NUNES .Revista Status.

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"A fase m�stica culminou no ate�smo: "Quem tem f� n�o respeita o ateu.

Igual a tantos gays, que dizem que falta descobrir.

Me deixa n�o ser gay e me deixa ser ateu", brinca."

? �mile Vuillermoz, Steven Smolian (1969).Gabriel Faur�.Chilton Book Co.p.74.

"We have just said that Faure was not a religious man.

He was incapable of intolerance or sectarianism, but his agnosticism was complete."? Richard L.

Smith, Caroline Potter, ed.(2006).

French music since Berlioz.

Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.p.174.

ISBN 9780754602828 .

"The resolutely agnostic Gabriel Faur� (1845�1924) was certainly one of its greatest alumni."

? "Yet, sailing to Egypt, he had lain on deck, asking his scientists whether the planets were inhabited, how old the Earth was, and whether it would perish by fire or by flood.

Many, like his friend Gaspard Monge, the first man to liquefy a gas, were atheists.

" Vincent Cronin, The View from Planet Earth: Man looks at the Cosmos , page 164.

? Laure Junot Abrant�s (1881).

Memoirs of Napoleon, His Court and Family, Volume 2.[S.l.]: D.Appleton.p.276

? A Show of Hands (entrevista com Geddy Lee) .Heeb Magazine.

Consultado$5 minimum deposit online casino01/10/17.

"I consider myself a Jew as a race, but not so much as a religion.

I'm not down with religion at all.

I'm a Jewish atheist, if that's possible.




? "Well, I'm a Jewish-Buddhist-Atheist, I guess.

" Pogrebin, Abigail (2005).

Stars of David: Prominent Jews Talk About Being Jewish.New York: Broadway.pp.91�99.

ISBN 978-0-7679-1612-7

? Archibald Henderson.

George Bernard Shaw: His Life And Works, a Critical Biography.

Kessinger Publishing, 2004.p.135.

ISBN 9781417961771 .

"It was at the Shelley Society's first large meeting that Shaw startled London by announcing himself as, " like Shelley, a Socialist, an atheist, and a vegetarian."? Dayananda Pathak.

George Bernard Shaw, His Religion & Values.

Mittal Publications, 1985.p.19.

"Shaw explains what atheism really meant in his time.

Belief in God in his time meant belief in the old tribal idol "I preferred to call myself an atheist", writes Shaw, "because belief in God then meant belief in the old tribal idol called Jehovah, and I would not, by calling myself an agnostic, pretend that I did not know whether it existed or not.

" He also adds: "I still, when I am dealing with old fashioned Fundamentalists, tell them that as I do not believe in this idol of theirs they may as well write me off as, for their purpose, I am an atheist."? G.K.Chesterton.

George Bernard Shaw.Echo Library, 2008.p.21.

ISBN 9781406890204 .

"I was," he writes, "wholly unmoved by their eloquence; and felt bound to inform the public that I was, on the whole, an atheist."

? George Carlin (2001).

Napalm & Silly Putty.Hyperion.p.254.

ISBN 9780521842709 .

And there is no God.

None, not one, never was.No God.Sorry.

? "That's because there is no Humpty-Dumpty, and there is no God.

None, not one, never was.No God.

" George Carlin Show (1999).

George Carlin: You Are All Diseased (DVD).MPI Home Video.? "No.

No, there's no God, but there might be some sort of an organizing intelligence, and I think to understand it is way beyond our ability.

It's certainly not a judgmental entity.

It's certainly not paternalistic and all these qualities that have been attributed to God.

" Thompson, Thompson (Sep 6, 2000).

" Is There a God? ".The A.V.Club.

? Hitchens, Christopher (2007).

The Portable Atheist.

Philadelphia, PA: Da Capo.

ISBN 978-0-306-81608-6

? The George Washington University and Foggy Bottom Historical Encyclopedia, Gamow, George and Edward Teller ANDERSON: "What, uh, one thing I'm fascinated with is, of course, George Gamow left the university in '59 [1956], and Edward Teller had left in 1946 [1945] and went to the University of Chicago.

But do you have any recollections of maybe some of the, anything between Dr.Marvin and Dr.

Gamow, as far as, just before he left and went to Colorado?" NAESER: "Ah, no, I don't know of any.

I know Gamow made no, never did hide the fact that he was an atheist, but whether that came into the picture, I don't know.

But the story around the university was that Gamow and Mrs.

Gamow were divorced, but they were in the same social circles some of the time, he thought it was better to get out of Washington.

That's why he went to Ohio State.

" Arquivado$5 minimum deposit online casino13 de junho de 2010, no Wayback Machine ., October 23, 1996.? Grote Reber.

�The Big Bang Is Bunk� (PDF) .

21st Century Science Associates.p.44 .

After the initial mathematical work on relativity the ory had been done, the Big Bang theory itself was invented by a Belgian priest, Georges lemaitre, im proved upon by an avowed atheist, George Gamow, and is now all but universally accepted by those who hold advanced degrees in astronomy and the physical sciences, despite its obvious absurdity.

? Simon Singh (2010).Big Bang.[S.l.

]: HarperCollins UK.ISBN 9780007375509.

Surprisingly, the atheist George Gamow enjoyed the Papal attention given to his field of research.

? Jane Gregory (2005).

�Fighting for space�.

Fred Hoyle's Universe.[S.l.

]: Oxford University Press.p.71.ISBN 9780191578465.

Gamow was, like Hoyle, an atheist, but he was familiar with organized religion: his grandfather was the Metropolitan, the senior bishop, of Odessa Cathedral.

? * Life and letters of George Jacob Holyoake by Joseph McCabe, pp 201, 221* A history of atheism in Britain: from Hobbes to Russell, by David Berman, pp 212-213

? Meek, James (2 de fevereiro de 2000).�Free fall�.

Religion in the UK: special report.

The Guardian Holyoake was the last person in England to be imprisoned (in 1842) for being an atheist.

? He coined the term "secularism" in 1846.

Feldman, Noah (2005).Divided by God.

Farrar, Straus and Giroux, pg.113

? �The Pearl Fishers - Georges Bizet�.Virginia Opera .

Arquivado do original$5 minimum deposit online casino23 de abril de 2012.

At the end of the first year he was asked to submit a religious work as his required composition.

As a self-described atheist, Bizet felt uneasy and hypocritical writing a religious piece.

Instead, he submitted a comic opera.

Publicly, the committee accepted, acknowledging his musical talent.

? Martin Cooper (1938).Georges Bizet.[S.l.

]: Oxford University Press.p.48.ISBN 0781294908.

As the second part of his letter shows, he was too much of an artist-too firm a believer in the mysteriousness of the greatest things in the world-to be an atheist: and like the Voltaire of whom he wrote from Rome so admiringly, it is the church that he attacks rather than religion, although like Voltaire he does not always manage to keep the distinction clear in his writing.

? Ivan Lins, Hist�ria do positivismo no Brasil, 2a.

edi��o, S�o Paulo: Companhia Editora Nacional, 1967, pgs.208-212.

? Jornal O Globo, 25 de fevereiro de 1996, se��o "O Pa�s", p�gina 3, na reportagem "Os segredos de Alzira Vargas": "Embora se declarasse agn�stico, alguns santinhos que deixou numa carteira gasta de dinheiro, antes de cometer suic�dio e que foram recolhidos para o acervo de Alzira revelam que Get�lio tinha f�."

? "Deleuze's atheist philosophy of immanence is an artistic (or criative) power at work on theology" Deleuze and Religion .Mary Bryden (2002).Routledge, p.157.

? "Some say God is living there [in space].

I was looking around very attentively, but I did not see anyone there.

I did not detect either angels or gods....

I don't believe in God.

I believe in man-his strength, his possibilities, his reason.

" Gherman Titov, comments made at World Fair, Seattle, Washington, May 6, 1962, reported in The Seattle Daily Times, May 7, 1962, p.2.

? Agnus by Turing: a joke that atheist Hardy might have made...

" "The first Bombe to be delivered was namedby Turing: a joke that atheist Hardy might have made...

" Alan Turing - a Cambridge Scientific Mind , by Andrew Hodges, Cambridge Scientific Minds (Cambridge University Press, 2002) Retrieved July 2, 2007.

? V�deo "Gore Vidal - That's why I'm an atheist not an agnostic", dispon�vel no YouTube.

Aos 3:44: "That's why I'm an atheist, and not an agnostic."

? Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, September 2004; online edition, January 2006 "Apesar de Greene depois op�s-se a ser chamado de "escritor cat�lico", ele se tornou c�lebre por empregar temas religiosos$5 minimum deposit online casinosuas obras, elogiado pelos cr�ticos cat�licos durante a$5 minimum deposit online casinovida pela forma poderosa$5 minimum deposit online casinoque seus romances explora��o dos temas do pecado, a condena��o, o mal, e o perd�o divino.

Mas o relacionamento de Greene com a igreja nunca foi f�cil, e ele foi muitas vezes cr�tico da religi�o.

Em seus �ltimos anos ele come�ou a se referir a si mesmo como um 'cat�lico ateu' (Shelden, 6).

" Michael Shelden: 'Greene, (Henry) Graham (1904�1991)',, Oxford University Press, September 2004; online edition, January 2006 [10] (accessed May 1, 2008).

? "Eu n�o gosto de piedade religiosa convencional.

Estou mais � vontade com o catolicismo de pa�ses cat�licos.

Eu sempre achei dif�cil acreditar$5 minimum deposit online casinoDeus.

Eu suponho que eu agora chamo a mim mesmo um ateu Cat�lico.

" Graham Greene, entrevistado por VS Pritchett, Saturday Review: Graham Greene into the light', The Times, 18 de mar�o de 1978; pg.

6; Issue 60260; col A.

? Ateus "saem do arm�rio" religioso e reclamam de dif�cil aceita��o no Brasil .UOL Not�cias.

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"'Se voc� n�o acreditar$5 minimum deposit online casinoDeus, voc� tem o dem�nio no corpo.

' Assim o ator Gregorio Duvivier, 30, descreve a rea��o de boa parte da popula��o religiosa brasileira diante de algu�m que se declara ateu.

O ator revela que nunca teve uma forma��o religiosa e, por isso, n�o enfrentou problemas em$5 minimum deposit online casinorela��o com amigos e familiares por ser algu�m que questiona a exist�ncia de Deus.(...

) 'O Brasil � um pa�s dif�cil para os ateus porque n�s somos uma minoria realmente pequena'"

? Studies in Contemporary Jewry : Volume VII: Jews and Messianism in the Modern Era: Metaphor and Meaning: Volume VII: Jews and Messianism in the Modern Era: Metaphor and Meaning.[S.l.

]: Oxford University Press.1991.p.353.ISBN 9780195361988

? Warren Allen Smith (2002).

Celebrities in Hell.chelCpress.pp.76�77.

ISBN 9781569802144 .

He was born a Jew but has been described as a life-long agnostic.

At one point he converted to Catholicism, purely for the purpose of obtaining a job that he coveted � director of the Court Opera of Vienna.

It was unthinkable for a Jew to hold such a prestigious position, hence the utilitarian conversion to the state religion.

? "It is particularly poor salesmanship for Ms.

Raabe to cite Mahler's supposed conversion from Judaism to Catholicism.

In both law and common understanding, a choice made under duress is discounted as lacking in free will.

Mahler converted as a mere formality under compulsion of a bigoted law that barred Jews from directorship of the Vienna Hofoper.

Mahler himself joked about the conversion with his Jewish friends, and, no doubt, would view with bitter amusement the obtuseness of Ms.

Raabe's understanding of the cruel choice forced on him: either convert to Christianity or forfeit the professional post for which you are supremely destined.

When Mahler was asked why he never composed a Mass, he answered bluntly that he could never, with any degree of artistic or spiritual integrity, voice the Credo.

He was a confirmed agnostic, a doubter and seeker, never a soul at rest or at peace.

" Joel Martel, MAHLER AND RELIGION; Forced to Be Christian, New York Times.

? Stuart Feder (2004).

"Mahler at Midnight".

Gustav Mahler: A Life in Crisis.

Yale University Press.pp.63�64.

ISBN 9780300103403 .

Mahler had followed the common path of assimilationist Jews, particularly those who were German-speaking and university-educated: toward a dignified job, a position in the community, and a respectable income.

Besides the fact that anti-Semitism was rife in Vienna, the post Mahler sought was a government position and normally open only to those who declared themselves to belong to the state religion, Catholicism.

Mahler's superior, the intendant of the opera, reported directly to the emperor.

Like the many Jews who were candidates for lesser government jobs, Mahler was officially baptized on 23 February 1897.

His appointment arrived soon after.

? Norman Lebrecht (2010).

Why Mahler?: How One Man and Ten Symphonies Changed Our World.

Random House Digital, Inc.p.84.

ISBN 9780375423819 .

In January 1897 Mahler is told that "under present circumstances it is impossible to engage a Jew for Vienna.

" "Everywhere", he bemoans, "the fact that I am a Jew has at the last moment proved an insurmountable obstacle.

" But he does not despair, having made arrangements to remedy his deficiency.

On February 23, 1897, at Hamburgs Little Michael Church, Gustav Mahler is baptized into the Roman Catholic faith.

He is the most reluctant, the most resentful, of converts.

"I had to go through it," he tells Walter.

"This action," he informs Karpath, "which I took out of self-preservation, and which I was fully prepared to take, cost me a great deal.

" He tells a Hamburg writer: "I've changed my coat.

" There is no false piety here, no pretense.

Mahler is letting it be known for the record that he is a forced convert, one whose Jewish pride is undiminished, his essence unchanged.

"An artist who is a Jew," he tells a critic, "has to achieve twice as much as one who is not, just as a swimmer with short arms has to make double efforts.

" After the act of conversion he never attends Mass, never goes to confession, never crosses himself.

The only time he ever enters a church for a religious purpose is to get married.

? John Bowden (2005).

John Bowden, John Stephen Bowden, ed.

Christianity: the complete guide.Continuum.p.813.

ISBN 9780826459374 .

"Gustav Mahler (1860�1911) was more of an agnostic than a believer, but the symphonies which he wrote are deeply spiritual works."

? Barrie Kosky (2008).On Ecstasy.Melbourne Univ.Publishing.p.39.

ISBN 9780522855340 .

Mahler's ambivalent Jewish-Christian Nietzschean agnostic personality found a living, breathing, sweating counterpart in Bernstein's muscles, bones and flesh.

? Otto Klemperer (1986).Martin J.Anderson, ed.

Klemperer on Music: Shavings from a Musician's Workbench.

London: Toccata Press.pp.133�147.

Mahler was a thoroughgoing child of the nineteenth century, an adherent of Nietzsche, and typically irreligious.

For all that, he was � as all his compositions testify � devout in the highest sense, though his piety was not to be found in any church prayer-book.

? Kenneth Lafave (2002)."Mahler, Gustav".

Macmillan Encyclopedia of Death and Dying.Encyclopedia.com.

Retrieved June 29, 2013.

From the beginning, Mahler declared that his music was not for his own time but for the future.

An agnostic, he apparently saw long-term success as a real-world equivalent of immortality.

"Mahler was a thoroughgoing child of the nineteenth century, an adherent of Nietzsche, and typically irreligious," the conductor Otto Klemperer recalled in his memoirs, adding that, in his music, Mahler evinced a "piety ...

not to be found in any church prayer-book.

" This appraisal is confirmed by the story of Mahler's conversion to Catholicism in 1897.

Although his family was Jewish, Mahler was not observant, and when conversion was required in order to qualify as music director of the Vienna Court Opera-the most prestigious post in Europe-he swiftly acquiesced to baptism and confirmation, though he never again attended mass.

Once on the podium, however, Mahler brought a renewed spirituality to many works, including Beethoven's Fidelio, which he almost single-handedly rescued from a reputation for tawdriness.

? Henry-Louis de La Grange (1995)."May�August 1906".

Gustav Mahler: Volume 3.

Vienna: Triumph and Disillusion (1904�1907).

Oxford University Press.p.455.

ISBN 9780193151604 .

His pantheistic beliefs made him see the manifestations of God's will everywhere, and sensed its 'miracles and secrets ...

and contemplated them with the deep respect and touching astonishment of a child'.

? "The study of medicine also contributed to a loss of religious faith and to becoming atheist.

" Michael Heidelberger, Nature from within: Gustav Theodor Fechner and his psychophysical worldview, page 21.

? A real details Guy .

"I'm fascinated by religion.

I don't believe in God, but the thing I do believe in is that we're all connected.

And I guess that's what other people might call God."

? "When asked what he would do if on his death he found himself facing the twelve apostles, the agnostic Mencken answered, "I would simply say, 'Gentlemen, I was mistaken.

'"" American Experience; Monkey Trial; People & Events: The Jazz Age, PBS Online, 1999�2001.

Acesso$5 minimum deposit online casino28 de Julho de 2007.? H.P.

Lovecraft Letter to Robert E.

Howard (August 16, 1932), in Selected Letters 1932�1934 (Sauk City, Wisconsin: Arkham House, 1976), p.57.

" All I say is that I think it is damned unlikely that anything like a central cosmic will, a spirit world, or an eternal survival of personality exist.

They are the most preposterous and unjustified of all the guesses which can be made about the universe, and I am not enough of a hairsplitter to pretend that I don't regard them as arrant and negligible moonshine.

In theory I am an agnostic, but pending the appearance of radical evidence I must be classed, practically and provisionally, as an atheist."

? Denis Brian (2001).

The Voice Of Genius: Conversations With Nobel Scientists And Other Luminaries.[S.l.]: Basic Books.p.117.ISBN 9780738204475.

Bethe: "I am an atheist."? R.L.Wysong (1976).

�5: Origin of Proteins�.

The Creation-evolution Controversy (implications, Methodology and Survey of Evidence): Toward a Rational Solution.[S.l.

]: Wysong Institute.p.75.ISBN 9780918112026.

Recently, at a seminar, Harold Urey, the noted scientist who won a Nobel prize for his experiments on the origin of life.......Dr.

Urey, a somewhat outspoken confirmed atheist and evolutionist, answered:...

? Harold Kroto claims to have four "religions": humanism, atheism, amnesty-internationalism and humourism.[11]

? Celebrity Atheist ("I'm an atheist, I don't believe in God or an after life or re-incarnation")


Acesso$5 minimum deposit online casino14/07/2016.

"Sempre fui um anarquista, n�o me omito, voc� sabe que minhas opini�es eu falo, eu n�o me omito$5 minimum deposit online casinofalar nada, n�o sou um ser apol�tico, sou um ateu convicto (...)"

? Henri Matisse: Modernist Against the Grain, Catherine Bock-Weiss, p�gina 147.

"Natural enough, since he was surrounded by priests and nuns during his later illnesses and while working on the Venice Chapel, even though he remained a convinced atheist."

? Kenneth McLeish, Stephen Mulrine (2005).Ibsen: Three Plays.Nick Hern Books.p.xxvi.

ISBN 9781854598462 .

"Sternly atheist, unswervingly rationalist, he allows religion no part in the events of Hedda Gabler.

When characters do invoke God (Tesman; Mrs Elvsted; Miss Tesman) it is a superficial, conventional way of talking, to add emphasis to otherwise bland remarks - and Ibsen the ironist takes it one step further when he makes Brack invoke, for the same purpose, not the deity but the devil."

? Vijay Tankha (2006).

"Heraclitus of Ephesus".

Ancient Greek Philosophy: Thales to Gorgias.

Pearson Education India.p.71.

ISBN 9788177589399 .

"By equating god with nature, Heraclitus could be regarded as a pantheist - everything is god."? The Telegraph.

[12] "Outside the field of scientific research, he was known for his outspoken atheism: belief in God, he once declared, is not only incompatible with good science, but is "damaging to the wellbeing of the human race." "

? Transcri��o do programa Roda Viva de 23/12/1996 .

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) eu j� fui cat�lico apost�lico romano durante oito anos, de comunh�o di�ria.

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Eu falei: "claro, eu sou da A��o Cat�lica, toda pessoa da A��o Cat�lica est� fixada com Cristo" e ele falou assim: "�, mas o Cristo � uma figura amb�gua, ele � homem, mas se veste de mulher.

Ele � homem, mas tem cabelos compridos" e eu falei: "ih, danou tudo".

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