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Sete anos foi o tempo que durou o discreto namoro de Alice Braga?? e Bianca Comparato. T�o discreto que elas j� estavam juntas h� quase quatro quando o EXTRA revelou a rela��o, em?? 2023. As duas terminaram h� cerca de um m�s, de forma bem amig�vel, garantem fontes pr�ximas do ex-casal.

F�bio Assun��o e?? ex-mulher deixam de se seguir ap�s surgirem rumores de t�rmino conturbadoBruna Linzmeyer festeja anivers�rio com ex que passou por transi��o

O?? ponto final teria partido de Alice, 40 anos, A atriz mora fora do Brasil h� d�cadas e manteve durante todo?? esse per�odo um relacionamento � dist�ncia com Bianca, que acaba de completar 38, e mora em S�o Paulo. Quando estava?? sem filmar, era comum ela passar temporadas na casa da estrela internacional, em Los Angeles.

Alice, que � paulista, est� circulando?? pelo Rio nessas f�rias. Na �ltima quinta-feira, ela esteve no Samba do Pretinho da Serrinha, na Arena Jockey, e apareceu?? ao lado do empres�rio art�stico Mario Canivello e de um amigo.

Bianca porcomo ganhar 200 reais na bet365vez tem ficado mais reclusa ap�s o?? t�rmino, na companhia da fam�lia e da melhor amiga, Mariana Ximenes. O anivers�rio, dia 19, foi comemorado com ela e?? com o pai, Doc Comparato, e a irm�, Lorena Comparato.

Pouco antes do t�rmino, Bianca deu uma entrevista em que falava?? sobre a vontade de oficializar a rela��o com um casamento. A reportagem foi publicada na revista "Ela", no dia 22?? de outubro: "Temos que fazer isso. Acho muito louco que, em uma sociedade com tantos abusos, o grande problema seja?? o casamento gay e n�o o pai ausente que destr�i uma fam�lia. Essa onda conservadora me preocupa, mas penso que?? talvez seja a �ltima estrebuchada do patriarcado. N�o vamos recuar, e ainda estamos prontas para uma luta di�ria", disse ela,?? que tamb�m pensava em ter filhos com Alice:

"Nunca congelei �vulos, ainda n�o decidi como vai ser. Mas sei que preciso?? dar uma planejada para rolar. N�o vai acontecer do nada, como poderia ser com um casal h�tero. Tamb�m sei que?? n�o tenho muito tempo e que o rel�gio biol�gico est� correndo, mas n�s duas estamos trabalhando bastante, em uma �poca?? de bomba��o de carreira e queremos aproveitar isso�.

Na mesma entrevista, Alice falou sobre a ent�o namorada em entrar em assuntos?? mais pessoais: "A Bianca � uma pequena gigante. Al�m de ser uma atriz que sempre admirei, muito completa e dedicada,?? cheia de alma e de verdade, � extremamente generosa e brilhante em tudo o que faz. Daquelas que se entrega?? 100% e se esfor�a para potencializar as pessoas �como ganhar 200 reais na bet365volta. Ela nunca pensa em competi��o, sempre em somar".

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C�lculo usado pelo INSS, sob an�lise do?? STF, prejudica trabalhadores que pagavam contribui��o previdenci�ria no teto, antes de 1994, diz advogada

Anfitri�, a Alemanha enfrentar� a Esc�cia no?? jogo de abertura, no dia 14 de junho

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Kong Li foi um pintor, poeta, dramaturgo e escritor japon�s.

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Em maio de 2005 a banda se apresentou no Festival da Capital Federal do Rio (CFS-Rio) no Shopping do Shopping?? S�o Jos�.

Em 2001, a banda lan�ou o �lbum de estreia, "Fim dos Manos: O Melhor", que atingiu o segundo lugar?? no "Doming�o do Faust�o".

Em 2003, o guitarrista Paulo C�sar Pinheiro � convidado pela MTV para fazer parte do programa "Fim?? dos Manos: Doming�o do Faust�o".

De 2007 a 2010, a banda seguiu carreira solo.

No mesmo ano, Paulo C�sar Pinheiro e seu?? ex-companheiro de banda, F�bio J�nior (ex-Lira rock Tit�s), formaram o grupo Aces

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globo esporte em Portugal.

De acordo com a lista de publica��es de clubes da Federa��o Portuguesa de Desportos em 2009, em?? 2001 o Pro-Paf-Fusion disputou pela primeira vez o Campeonato Portugu�s de Desportos para a primeira fase de classifica��o dos portugueses?? que j� conquistaram tr�s t�tulos.

Foi promovido a segunda divis�o em 2007.

Desde ent�o, o clube tem disputado o Campeonato Portugu�s de?? Desportos para a qualifica��o, sempre em primeiro lugar, embora ainda tenha perdido, por exemplo, para o AD Braga contra o?? AD Porto a 8 de Mar�o de 2009, na qual esteve ausente entre as quatro primeiras equipas,

� altura com sete?? equipas de Portugal.

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Association football team from Rio de JaneiroSoccer club

Botafogo de Futebol e Regatas (Portuguese pronunciation: [b?ta'fogu d?i fut?i'b?w i ?e'gat?s]; Botafogo?? Football and Rowing), also known as Botafogo, is a Brazilian sports club based in the bairro (neighborhood) of Botafogo, in?? the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Although they compete in a number of different sports, Botafogo is mostly known for its?? association football team.

It plays in the Campeonato Brasileiro S�rie A, the top tier of the Brazilian football league system, and?? in the state of Rio de Janeiro's premier state league.

In 2000, Botafogo finished 12th in a vote by subscribers of?? FIFA Magazine for the FIFA Club of the Century.

[2][3] They have won the Brazilian championship two times, in 1968 and?? 1995.

In addition, the club has some of Brazilian football's most notable records, as the most unbeaten matches: 52 games between?? 1977 and 1978; the most unbeaten matches record in the Brazilian Championship games: 42, also between 1977 and 1978; the?? most player participations in total matches of the Brazil national football team (considering official and unofficial games): 1,094 participations and?? the most players assigned to the Brazil national team for World Cup.

The club holds the record for the greatest victory?? ever recorded in Brazilian football: 24�0 against Sport Club Mangueira in 1909.

History [ edit ]

Formation and merger [ edit ]

On?? July 1, 1894, Club de Regatas Botafogo was founded.[4]

The 1906 football team.

On 12 August 1904, another club was founded in?? the neighborhood: the Electro Club, the name first given to the Botafogo Football Club.

The idea came during an algebra lesson?? at Alfredo Gomes College, when Fl�vio Ramos wrote to his friend Emmanuel Sodr�: "Itamar has a football club in Martins?? Ferreira Street.

Let's establish another one, in Largo dos Le�es, what do you think? We can speak to the Wernecks, to?? Arthur C�sar, Vicente and Jacques".

[citation needed] The Electro Club was founded, but its name did not last.

After a suggestion from?? Dona Chiquitota, Fl�vio's grandmother, the club finally became the Botafogo Football Club, on September 18 of the same year.

The colors?? were black and white like those of Juventus FC, the team of Itamar Tavares, one of the club's founders.

Its badge?? was drawn by Bas�lio Vianna Jr.

, in Swiss style with the BFC monogram.

The Botafogo Football Club would soon become one?? of the strongest football teams in Rio de Janeiro, winning the championships of 1907, 1910, 1912 and more.[5]

With the same?? name, the same location, the same colours and most important the same supporters, it seemed inevitable that the clubs would?? merge.

They did so on 8 December 1942, after a basketball match between both clubs, when Botafogo Football Club player Armando?? Albano died suddenly, that the idea of a merger began.

On this tragic occasion, the president of Club de Regatas Botafogo,?? Augusto Frederico Schmidt (also a major Brazilian poet), spoke: "At this time, I declare to Albano that his last match?? ended with the victory of his team.

We won't play the time left on the clock.

We all want the young fighter?? to leave this great night as a winner.

This is how we salute him.

" Eduardo G�is Trindade, Botafogo Football Club's president?? said: "Between the matches of our clubs, only one can be the winner: Botafogo!.

" And then Schmidt declared the fusion:?? "What else do we need for our clubs to become one?.

" Botafogo de Futebol e Regatas finally came into being.

The?? Football Club's badge became black, and the monogram substituted by Clube de Regatas' lone star.[6]

On the field [ edit ]

The?? team that won its first Campeonato Carioca in 1907The team of 1910

The team won the Campeonato Carioca in 1907, 1910?? and 1912.

In 1909 the team beat Mangueira 24�0, which remains the highest score in Brazilian football.

[7] They won further state?? titles in 1930, 1932, 1933, 1934 and 1935.[8]

In 1930 Botafogo won its 4th Carioca title.

In the 1940s, after the creation?? of Botafogo de Futebol e Regatas, the team's best player was Heleno de Freitas.

However, Heleno did not win a championship?? for Botafogo.

He scored 204 goals in 233 matches, but went to the Boca Juniors in 1948, the year Botafogo won?? its 9th state championship.

They won the Campeonato Carioca in 1957, 1961 and 1962, and in 1968 they won Serie A,?? becoming the first carioca club to win the Brazilian league.[9]

1989 ended a period of 21 years without a title when?? the club won the state championship, retaining the trophy in 1990.[9]

In the 1990s, Botafogo won Copa Conmebol (the precursor of?? the current Copa Sudamericana).

[10] And in 1995 they won the Brazilian League for the second time in club's history, after?? drawing 1�1 the second leg of the Final against Santos FC at S�o Paulo.

Botafogo would be relegated to the Second?? Division after ranking last in the Brazilian League of 2002.

In 2003, Botafogo ranked second in Brazil's Second division (after Palmeiras)?? and returned to the First Division.

In 2006, the club won the Rio de Janeiro State Championship for the 18th time,?? and again in 2010 and 2013 with the iconic players Loco Abreu and Seedorf, respectively.

In the 2020 edition of the?? S�rie A, Botafogo performed poorly and ended the championship in the last position, causing the club's relegation to the S�rie?? B for their third time in history.[11]

Nowadays, Botafogo is the only club to have won titles in three different centuries,?? including the state championship for rowing in 1899.

The SAF Era [ edit ]

At the beginning of 2020, Botafogo underwent a?? series of internal audits to spin off its football division as a for-profit corporate entity, owned by the club, but?? which could be portioned and sold to investors.

This was due to unprecedented legislation allowing for football clubs to be operated?? as corporations, and would be a solution to the severe financial crisis the club had faced for decades.

Relegation to the?? S�rie B, however, delayed these plans.

The year 2021 saw Botafogo's debt reach one billion real.

They placed 6th in the Rio?? de Janeiro State Championship, after a penalty decision lost to the also relegated CR Vasco da Gama.

The club was off?? to a middling start to the S�rie B season, but bounced back after the hiring of manager Enderson Moreira, who?? was able to bring Botafogo back to the top tier of Brazilian football, as champions of the 2021 edition of?? S�rie B.

It was Botafogo's second S�rie B title.

Meanwhile, the incoming administration had begun internal restructuring, hiring executive Jorge Braga for?? the brand-new post of CEO and downsizing its workforce considerably.

Botafogo entered into a partnership with the investment firm XP Inc.

to?? seek out potential buyers for its football division, which was in the process of becoming its own corporate entity.

Congress had?? recently passed the Sociedade An�nima de Futebol (SAF) law, allowing foreigners to purchase shares in Brazilian football clubs for the?? first time in history.

Having averted complete financial disaster by returning to S�rie A, the country's top competitive tier, Botafogo finalized?? its transition into the SAF legal structure.

The social club remained as an entity, owning 100% of Botafogo SAF's shares.

In January?? 2022, it came to light that American investor John Textor, owner of a majority stake in Premier League club Crystal?? Palace F.C.

, was in talks to purchase a majority share of Botafogo.

In February 2022, the club announced the acquisition of?? 90% of the shares of Botafogo's football division by Textor's holding company Eagle Holdings, and the start of a new?? era for the club.

Textor's first major move in charge of the club was the dismissal of Enderson Moreira in favor?? of Portuguese manager Luis Castro.

Castro signed with Botafogo in March 2022, and the team had to hurry to build their?? squad for the 2022 Cameponato Brasileiro.

[12] Botafogo finished that year's league edition in 11th place, guaranteeing a spot in the?? 2023 Copa Sudamericana.

As of June 2023, Botafogo leads the 2023 Campeonato Brasileiro after making a disappointing Campeonato Carioca earlier during?? the year, not being able to make it to the semi-finals with the other 3 big clubs in Rio de?? Janeiro.

The total debt owned by the club has been reduced and now sits at around 730 million reais.

[13]Stadium [ edit?? ]

Volunt�rios da P�tria Street Stadium (1909)

General Severiano entrance

The team's home ground is the Est�dio Ol�mpico Nilton Santos, named in honor?? of Nilton Santos, a former club player and two time world champion with the Brazil National Football Team, and some?? feel the greatest left back of all time, .[14]

Other stadiums used by the club during its history are:Rivals [ edit?? ]

Its biggest rivals are the other most important Rio clubs: Fluminense, Flamengo, and Vasco da Gama.

The derby with Fluminense is?? known as the "Cl�ssico Vov�" (Grandfather Derby) because it is the oldest derby in the whole country.

Both teams faced each?? other for the first time in 1905.

The match with Vasco is known as the "Friendship Derby" because the supporters of?? both club have been friends historically.

It is the only derby in the city that tends to be nonviolent.

The derby against?? Flamengo, "The Rivalry Derby", is the biggest one for the club, and one of the more important in Brazil.

The clubs?? strongly dislike each other and the rivalry goes from the players on the pitch, to the fans, to both clubs'?? boardrooms.

Players who participate in these matches usually become club idols.

Some examples include: Garrincha, Manga, Jairzinho, T�lio Maravilha, and more recently?? Loco Abreu and Jefferson.

Manga is known for a remarkable quote about this derby when he used to say that the?? player's prize money was already guaranteed because it was easy to beat Flamengo.

Flamengo's biggest star Zico once said that at?? his childhood, Botafogo was the club he hated more because the Glorioso used to win all the derbies.

From outside the?? city, the club has had a historic rivalry with Santos FC since the 1960s.

Symbols [ edit ]Historical badgesLone Star [?? edit ]

The Lone Star (Estrela Solit�ria) is currently present in Botafogo's flag and crest.

This star was the principal symbol of?? Club de Regatas Botafogo.

After the two Botafogos merged, the Lone Star became one of the most important symbols of Botafogo's?? football team.

It was originally meant to represent the planet Venus, also known as the Morning Star, which was often seen?? at sunrise by the rowing squad as they practiced very early in the morning.

Flag [ edit ]

The old flag of?? Club de Regatas Botafogo was white with a small black square which contained the Lone Star.

The Football Club had a?? flag with nine black and white stripes with the club's crest localized in the center.

Botafogo de Futebol e Regatas then?? based its flag on that of the two old clubs.

The flag has five black and four white stripes, with a?? black square at the upper left side with the Lone Star.

Uniform [ edit ]

Their primary uniform consists of a black?? jersey with vertical white stripes, black shorts and grey socks.

Their secondary uniform is all white.

An all black uniform may also?? be used.

The socks, although traditionally grey, may also be black or even white on rare occasions.

Mascots [ edit ]

"Manequinho", the?? mascot of the club

Botafogo's mascot is Manequinho, an urinating boy originating from a replica of the Manneken Pis statue that?? stands near Botafogo's headquarters, which on occasion had a Botafogo jersey put onto by supporters of the team.

[15] In 1948?? a stray dog named Biriba, known for urinating on the players, was the mascot that led them to the Campeonato?? Carioca.

[16] The first mascot was Donald Duck, who cartoonist Lorenzo Mollas drew in the early 1940s wearing Botafogo's jersey, but?? was never officially adopted due to rights issues.

[17]Honours [ edit ]

The trophy of Brazilian Championship won by Botafogo in 1995.

The?? club has some of Brazilian football's top records, as the most unbeaten matches: 52 games between 1977 and 1978;[18] the?? matches unbeaten record in the Brazilian Championship games: 42, also between 1977 and 1978;[19] the most player participations in total?? matches of the Brazil national football team (considering official and unofficial games): 1,094 participations[20] and the most players assigned to?? the Brazil national team for World Cup.[21]

Chronology of Main Titles [ edit ]

International tournaments [ edit ]Players [ edit ]

For?? a list of all former and current Botafogo de Futebol e Regatas players with a Wikipedia article, see Category:Botafogo de?? Futebol e Regatas players

Current squad [ edit ]

As of 19 August 2023[23]

Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA?? eligibility rules.

Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.

Botafogo B and Youth Academy [ edit ]

Note: Flags indicate national team?? as defined under FIFA eligibility rules.

Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.

Out on loan [ edit ]

Note: Flags indicate?? national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules.

Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.

Staff [ edit ]

Current staff [?? edit ]Records [ edit ]

World Best Players Name Year 1.Didi 1958 2.Garrincha 1962

Carvalho Leite, one of the greatest players?? of the 1930s and the 2nd.

topscorer in club's history with 261 goals.

Garrincha playing for Botafogo in a 2�0 win against?? Barcelona for Copa Iberoamericana, friendly tournament in 1964 at Buenos Aires.

Note: numbers do not count matches played in Torneio In�cio.

Source:?? RSSSF Brasil � BotafogoManagers [ edit ][citation needed]

Bruno Lage (8 July 2023 � present)Notes [ edit ]

Other Sports [ edit?? ]Basketball [ edit ]

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Em 2004, o voleibol feminino brasileiro alcan�ou o primeiro lugar no Campeonato Sul-Americano em Lima-Peru, na Peru, sendo este seu?? primeiro t�tulo internacional.

Neste mesmo ano foi bicampe�o do Campeonato Sul-Americano e o quinto t�tulo no Campeonato Mundial Infanto-Juvenil, al�m desta?? vez estar na lista dos melhores jogadores do Mundial Juvenil de 2005, em T�quio, na categoria infanto-juvenil.

No Mundial de 2006?? foi convocado novamente para Sele��o Brasileira

e participou da Copa Am�rica.

Em 2006 representou o Brasil no Campeonato Sul-Americano Juvenil de 2006?? em Lima-Peru, convocado pela segunda vez pela primeira vez a este n�vel e disputou seu primeiro campeonato no mesmo ano?? na categoria juvenil com uma vit�ria sobre a sele��o da Mal�sia, a que lhe rendeu a qualifica��o para disputar o?? Campeonato Mundial Juvenil de 2007 em Lima, na Turquia, na mesma categoria.